Nature: Red-headed woodpeckers

“Sunday Morning” takes us this week among some red-headed woodpeckers at Knox Farm State Park in western New York.


34 thoughts on “Nature: Red-headed woodpeckers”

  1. I have at least 2 Ivory-billed woodpeckers in the woods behind my house, and I will drive my camper back there on the weekends just to catch a glimpse, but never have. I will never stop trying.

  2. I love these looks at nature on CBS Sunday Morning they are what I anticipate, look forward to seeing when Sunday comes. I don't think I would sit through some of the other sad topics about the human condition if the nature shots were discontinued here. These looks at how the world was created are the only sign that life is better somewhere, that life could be better. if the "creator" had limited humans to the same ability to exist and share the bountiful blessings that every other part of existence always shares. Evolution is a process that has continued for untold millions of years but limiting the transition to human delusions becomes like cancer. That's why people experience mass destruction instead of these examples of nature.

  3. This clip shows why it is so important to leave dead trees standing if they aren't at risk of injuring someone. Dead trees provide shelter and food for insects, birds, and other animals.

  4. We have several families of the Red Headed Woodpeckers that eat birdseed and suet in our yard. Have the babies right now with the adults Love watching how they chase other birds off the feeders and suet cakes. Such beautiful birds!

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  6. Woodpeckers are amazing birds. I've seen a woodpecker do his call on top of a pole or tree and would see blue Jays and Cardinals flock to him, watching him as he spoke. It was pretty amazing! ❤ the woodpecker


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