Native American Legends & Forgotten History: Jaydreamerz & Archaix

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44 thoughts on “Native American Legends & Forgotten History: Jaydreamerz & Archaix”

  1. Thank you for Charles Ford Book if the damned I will try to locate and all the others Re Black Plague – I have some old history books that may not have been altered to fit the history they want us to have. Your Mesosphere bring a mile wide and @holding@ frozen life firms before dropping to our level fascinates me. You are talking true happenings documented in history that I need to read too. Thanks Jason – you have amazing patience 🙏

  2. love your work Jason! I am part of the skokomish tribe from WA state and have been looking into a lot of alternative history of native americans for a while now since alot of our teachings have been erased. I was wondering what you think of so called african americans actually being native American and that there were many races here? i found two good researchers that delve into this topic on youtube and they usually show most of their sources they are kurimeo and ubtv.

  3. Your work overlaps and is complimentary. So many thoughts while watching and listening these last weeks and I keep thinking, I should make a video. I am feeling like I have a piece to add to the thoughts that come forth upon hearing Jason speak. At 1:42 Jay suggests that people make videos. And I mean I was literally having the thought at 1:40. I need to set up some kind of an area like Jason has so I'll feel comfortable. In school they told me I was a leader as a child and then I became a rebel. For the last 20 years I've lived as a hermit with little contact with others. Thank you both. You feed from each other. Best twosome with Jason I have seen yet

  4. Hi just subscribed to your channel. You were talking about the sky darkening and the bird appearing and shooting arrows until it went away. I've seen that. Recently 😆. At the end of March I was outside and God told me he was going to show me something. I was out there for awhile and the sky got dark. I couldn't take a video but took over 400 pictures. It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. I found out later there were several solar flares that day. I uploaded 6 videos to my channel, they all have flare in the title. I've been watching changes in our sky for several years, I'm in several sky watcher groups and no one saw this that I've seen other than me 😆 check it out and tell me what you think. God bless you 🙏❤

  5. Fascinating. Bout 26min in they mention an object in the sky. Weird connection. Warhammer 40k has a newer series of books. Called 'the beast arises' and its about the 'ancient enemy of man' technically. Porting a war moon, death star into our orbit and it causes wild gravitic anomalies, noises in the sky. Months before it arrives. Weird.

  6. 👍 great job on the research! Enjoyed the discussion.
    Do you have any information to share about the Earth’s energetic grids activation of nodes and nulls and how they connect & using resonance frequency to open these gateways in assisting humanity to ascend and access universal knowledge? Aka collective consciousness of enlightenment?
    I’ve been having a calling for months to go to Mt. Shasta. Lately having very vivid dreams of the sea parting and under the water I’m being shown these magnificent crystal grids. Thx ❤️💫🙏

  7. Another hint from no other than Dorian Yates (former Mr.Olympia) that we are in fact living in a holgraphic reality! "Dorian Yates"' My first time taking DMT gave me a new perspective on life.

    I felt like I had all the answers, that there was nothing to stress about.

    That there was no death, no end and no beginning, that life is just a game that we're all playing.

    No need to take it so seriously.

    I was able to see through the machine of reality.

    It's like seeing through a computer's code and you see all these numbers.

    I saw numbers and geometric shapes, like I was seeing the construct of what's behind our reality.

    Psychedelics can be powerful, life changing medicines but of course, must be taken under supervision.

  8. @archaix share with JayDreamerz. @1 hr 28 min. Pho when talking about the Vietnamese soup is pronounced 'PHUH' (ff-uh). maybe that helps make some better connections

  9. I swear, I wish the people would invade the Smithsonian and the Vatican, and release what they have hidden from everyone! Of course it would have to be done in an organized manner for us to benefit from it. But it should be done!

  10. When Jason makes the comment that the HOPI said THE LAND WILL BE CRISSCROSSED WITH RIVERS OF STONE THAT MAKES PICTURES IN THE SUN… to me Rivers of Stone means HIGHWAYS/ROADWAYS….. and makes pictures means FORMATIONS like when highways form Cloverleaf patterns, large Loops, Braiding Patterns as roadways weave together forming under/overpasses, branch out from single roadways to fork into multiple lanes (think of a Lotus Flower laying flat on the ground and the pattern it makes looking at it from the stem upwards to the flower)….. And the comment makes PICTURES IN THE SUN, means you can only see these roadway patterns in the daylight but not at night (at least not until lights were invented and placed on roadways.

    Just my opinion on that comment from the Hopi

  11. hi jason i just find your channel about 2dyas ago and i am hooked i have never heard some of the things you are presenting but it resonates with me i dont know if you have ever heard or listen to … voyagers materials especially the FALL OF METATRON.. while i listen to that i can now understand everything clearly now with your research and voyagers i now see the corelation.. thank you jason thank you my vibration is changing everytime i listen one of you presentation my soul my spirit body my light body is jumping for joy my thoughts have takeen a different essence…… so much i want to say… but thank you again

  12. Just thinking out loud here @ 16:3416:35, could the 6th sign possibly be referring to our tarmac roads as “rivers of stone”; cars are reflective of sunlight & could be the link to “that make pictures in the sun”. Only other thing that came to mind with 2nd half for “make pictures in the sun” was something that created shadows??


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