NASA's Newly Released Images Of MARS #18 (2024)

Amazing images from the Red Planet with description.

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. The surface of Mars is orange-red because it is covered in iron(III) oxide dust, giving it the nickname “the Red Planet”. Mars is among the brightest objects in Earth’s sky and its high-contrast albedo features have made it a common subject for telescope viewing. It is classified as a terrestrial planet and is the second smallest of the Solar System’s planets with a diameter of 6,779 km (4,212 mi). In terms of orbital motion, a Martian solar day (sol) is equal to 24.5 hours and a Martian solar year is equal to 1.88 Earth years (687 Earth days). Mars has two natural satellites that are small and irregular in shape: Phobos and Deimos.

Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

#nasa #science #education #mars


20 thoughts on “NASA's Newly Released Images Of MARS #18 (2024)”

  1. There pictures are a dream come true. I remember waiting for Newsweek to see the first Viking picture outside of the nightly news. I go to Mars almost everday. Right here!

  2. Amazing pictures, to think what happened to Mars, what was its history like before the core finally cooled allthe way through. Water must of vanished long before that happened as well as the atmosphere. Maybere theres fossils perfectly perserved of that time. Advantage of a cooled core is it wont destroy any evidence thats locked in there like a time capsule. Would love to see an archeological mission to unravel mars' secret history. I bet we could find fossils nevermind evidence of water or microbes.

  3. NASA can spend my tax dollars any way it wants. NASA is keeping me alive. NASA has given us a view to a planet that we can write our own stories, on how to spend the day on MARS without leaving our foot prints. The music is so mesmerizing that you can almost taste the air. ARIKEN777 you commentaries on the facts are secretly leaving us to believe that you are riding on top of the rovers. Thanks for coming into work today!!!!!!!

  4. Back in the 70's the Martian sky was Red 🤣. I guess NASA has finally decided on grayish blue. More than a bit odd that they would falsely portray the color of the sky. What else have they lied about🌚.

  5. One see so many times of comments…… stating that it is not Mars …and it is someplace in America,s deserts or such….how can we be sure this is really Mars …???…No use getting excited when you dont know,,..??


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