NASA May Have Found Signs of Life on another Planet! #nasa #space #aliens


44 thoughts on “NASA May Have Found Signs of Life on another Planet! #nasa #space #aliens”

  1. Well, we as space researchers also believe that every creature is different and that on different planets humans can't survive but a native creature can.
    So we don't hold tight to that everything has to be almost the same as Earth.

  2. I really don't know how people can actually think there is "no" life elsewhere in the UNIVERSE. Conversely, it ultimately means nothing at all because it is simply impossible to think we will ever "physically" visit Mars, even. Just see how well we all did with a measly quarantine; do people actually think they could survive being packed away into a tin can for FIVE YEARS? Or that they'd be able to just jump out of that tin can and start 'terraforming" ? GTFO of here!

  3. Even if there is life on that planet, like you said 700m light years away, what use is that to us on earth? Useless and worthless information really isn’t it. Information that will change nothing just oh yeah there’s life on another planet go then 🥳

  4. You can stop trying. You've long ago become my favourite deliverer of space news.

    Your passion and excitement is intoxicating. I no longer even feel the need to fact check your info (*where applicable).

    But one thing; Please start making longer videos

  5. Im scared, and this is why.

    The Fermi paradox is the discrepancy between the lack of conclusive evidence of advanced extraterrestrial life compared to the apparently high a priori likelihood of its existence. As a 2015 article put it, "If life is so easy, someone from somewhere must have come calling by now." Life must succeed through one huge event that had to supposedly kill everything off. Which means that if we discover aliens, we’ve still yet to face that extinction event.

    In short case, If we find aliens we’re screwed.


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