NASA Is Planning To Build The First Mega Project On The Moon

The Artemis Base Camp – This is our first mega project from outer space, yes you heard that right, a mega project that NASA is building on the moon called the Artemis Base Camp. Why are NASA building such an insane mega project and what is the engineering behind the Artemis Base Camp


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14 thoughts on “NASA Is Planning To Build The First Mega Project On The Moon”

  1. I'm disappointed. In the video's title I hear of the construction of a first mega project on the Moon, which makes me utterly curious. Then, though, there just follow a few words on the situation that NASA plans more than one station, plus remarks on the consequences of the situation that large amounts of water have been found. From there, all the rest of the video is about rockets and Gateway.

    A better-fitting title would have been "Why NASA Starts for the Moon with Full Power", that would not have suggested a detailed characterization of something to be built on the Moon.

  2. I think the first time the SpaceX Super Heavy starts its career, the SLS will be history. The "quick" adaption of a second stage to kick Orion off without the need for refueling, as with the Starship, will entice NASA to pivot away from the SLS. Orion has some proven facility to carry humans to the moon exceeding the Starship's current state. Politically, adapting the Super Heavy would prove to be economically preferable in the long run.


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