Naru's 12 Best Moments In Prey Ranked By Bravery

Smarter than a beaver and as heroic as Schwarzenegger, Naru from “Prey” has plenty of amazing moments — but which ones are the best and bravest?

#Predator #Prey #SciFi

12. Saving Sarii | 0:00
11. Saving herself from quicksand | 0:59
10. “No, he has us” | 1:56
9. Making a deal with Raphael | 2:42
8. Going after the Predator | 3:37
7. Returning with the Predator’s head | 4:28
6. “Smarter than a beaver” | 5:10
5. Assault on the trapper camp | 6:02
4. Using a trapper as bait | 6:42
3. Taking off the mask | 7:38
2. Ripping off the Predator’s horn | 8:15
1. Setting the ingenious final trap | 8:48

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23 thoughts on “Naru's 12 Best Moments In Prey Ranked By Bravery”

  1. This movie was disappointing, thrashing men, and showing men (us) as hot tempered aggressive simpletons, luckily these warriors had a young girl to show them the way.. really that nonsense starts to detract me from the plot in 90% of blockbusters. Star wars and now predator? I don't mind strong female characters, but why does it always beed to be at the expense of men, especially the alpha males?

  2. There's no bravery lol shes a blanking idiot lol they tell her she cant hunt bcuz every time she goes out she needs to be brought back. If a hiker gets lost 3x in a week the rescue workers are gunna be like dewd we're tired of bringing u back, can u just bring someone with u??? Predator got caught off guard bcuz a cop doesn't expect the victim to stab them in the back after they saved them… This movie is such garbage, hated the 1st 30mins bcuz nothing happens, dog is implied to be in danger more than once, & the hype bait (the bait being a woman being told that she cant do something) they use to get thick headed women on their side is gross

  3. Ill keep saying it. Next movie or series we need a story of one of the most elite predators fighting beasts like kong on skull island or the elder predator doing some badass kills. and moves. put the skulls in predator two (cough cough) the dragon skull to fight the elder. Please make it badass


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