Nancy Drew The Silent Spy Full Gameplay Full Commentary

Nancy Drew The Silent Spy Full Gameplay Full Commentary
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The Silent Spy is the twenty-ninth installment in the Nancy Drew PC Adventure Series. It is based on Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #41: The Clue of the Whistling Bagpipes.

Defuse a toxic plot and reveal the truth behind Kate Drew’s death!

Nearly a decade ago Agent Kate Drew left home to neutralize a biochemical weapon in Scotland. While her assignment was a success, Kate died in a car accident; or so Nancy and her father were told. Now in the middle of the night, Nancy’s phone is hacked. A mysterious disguised voice speaks through it, telling her that she is needed in Glasgow, Scotland. The message also includes recordings of her mother, Kate, and the voice tells her that “everything she knows about the accident is a lie”. Nancy later receives a package from an organization called Cathedral that her mother supposedly worked for, asking for her help. Knowing her father would be angry and worried sick about her if she accepts the case, she secretly leaves for Glasgow to carry out her mission and discover the truth. It’s now up to you, as Nancy Drew, to find out what really happened to about your mother’s tragic demise.


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