Mysterious Winged Creature Slams Into Homeowner’s Door

Night after night, Carol Dillin and her family say they are awakened by a mysterious winged creature slamming into their Oklahoma patio door. Dillin even set up a skeleton and a plastic owl to scare off the flying creature but it did not work. One theory is that the mysterious creature could be a bat. Dillin says she has an appointment with a guy to see about screening her porch to keep the critter away. Inside Edition’s Alison Hall has more.


47 thoughts on “Mysterious Winged Creature Slams Into Homeowner’s Door”

  1. It looks like a Sugar Glider. And, they're nocturnal. Such a cool animal & she wants to scare it away. I would love to have one show up at my house. I'd put a bowl of fruit out for it.

  2. It's a flying squirrel. A bats wings wouldnt span as long as those in the video. It also has the black stripe on the wing, which suggests that the body itself is not as dark as that of a bat.


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