Mysterious Virus Kills 99% of Humanity And Traps 513 Survivors on an Island

After a virus takes over the world, an isolated island doesn’t let anyone come in for the sake of their safety and keeps the population at 513, killing someone whenever a new baby is born.

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50 thoughts on “Mysterious Virus Kills 99% of Humanity And Traps 513 Survivors on an Island”

  1. I don't know if this is directly inspired by it, but this reminds me of a short story I read in high school. The premise was, eternal life was possible (no dying by aging, eternal youth kind), so to make sure overpopulation was kept in check, every time someone was born, someone had to die. On discovery that his wife was having twins, rather than sacrificing his father (who was the original "life donor"), he killed the doctor who made the discovery, then himself to make way for the twins.

  2. So a bunch of women willingly sold their bodies in exchange for extra food, then MeToo'd the guy and get him banished from the island? They gonna give back the food they got in exchange?

  3. LEFTISTism is dark.. this is their world kill everythign.. nonsense.. not understand viruses die in one year.. and after one year.. you can disenfect and clean.. so they rather ball worship and kill people and pretend they are elites.

  4. That lady was supposed to be in charge? The fact she had such a position tells me none of them deserved to be there 🀑s

    Its funny because how she did such things is similar to how easter was created πŸ˜‚

  5. This series is just like what is happening in the world right now. Govt is feeding the people lies, control the narrative, manipulate people's opinion thru so called free media and the internet

  6. Everyone on that island is an idiot for listening to the crazy power hungry lady. How all those people just accepted some arbitrary number to limit themselves to and started literally murdering people to keep it at that number makes no sense.


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