Mysterious Legends That Were Actually Real

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24 thoughts on “Mysterious Legends That Were Actually Real”

  1. All continents hav recorded it he flood. The Inca recorded it. The Alaska Yupiq Eskimos recorded it too. They're story involves orca whales running off sharks that were surrounding their kayaks for 6 months & eating them.
    When the water came back down again they were in the Denali area or Upper Yukon area. They found the Yukon River and floated back to their area again.
    They also stated; Many of the animals that were there also disappeared forever.

  2. Umm?? You're talking about very uninformed Americans whom some couldn't even name three countries found in Europe,nor point to them on a map!! It's not their fault, it's their deliberate misleading school curriculum system that is designed to keep people dumbed down, feeding them false and useless information for the government's controller's own agenda!!!

  3. The Green Man is from Wampam, PA. I'm from the town over where he lived. Some of my family knew him. He was a very kind man. He just wanted to be treated with respect and kindness, like everyone else.

  4. The snakes were pagans who had snakes in their religion. In ancient religions around the world, snakes represented wisdom. So Saint Patrick's day is a celebration of destroying a people's way of life. He just indoctrinated them to do it willingly. They are one of the very few peoples that weren't converted through extreme barbaric means.

  5. Lots of people would consume substances to communicate with the gods. It was for shifting your consciousness to another plain. Others would fast, or bring great pain to themselves to do it. So the oracles were not so strange back then. In Scandinavia they would follow reindeer until they ate a bunch of mushrooms that would intoxicate, and then drink their urine because it would get concentrated and filtered by the their organs. There were some ancient priests in Europe that would eat mushrooms with similar effects, and the lower level followers would drink his urine for the same reason.

  6. Please, understand that there is a HUGE difference between Tabletop Mountain in the Northeast of the United States of America and Table Mountain in South Africa. They are literally an ocean apart. Tabletop Mountain is in the upper Northern Hemisphere….Table Mountain is in the Southern Hemisphere.

  7. I wonder if my great grandpa knew the story of Milo. Supposedly he got into the habit of taking a short cut by lifting a calf over a fence with him on his farm every morning rather than taking the time to lead it to the gate, and was able to keep doing it not quite all the way to a full grown bull but a lot further into its growth than most people would think possible.

  8. Thank you for the update, Katrina..!! 3:50 Amazing story. I heard that fox monster is same as Ahri in League of Legends (9 tailed fox lady), and Norway's Huldra (also, a fox/cow/horse tailed lady).. 🦊

  9. Why do you use the phrase "flood myth" instead of "flood story" ? Myth is a prejudicial term implying it is not real, yet the stories of the flood are all over the world in ancient civilizations.


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