Mars doorway explained! Know the secret behind mars doorway image. Please let us know your comments if this NASA image show ‘gates’ and ‘walls’ on Mars?

Alien Signal Detected From 2 Earth-Like Planets –



  1. Funny how every single video about this door says "just like natural formations on earth" but then do not show a natural perfect doorway on earth. Everything gets buried on earth over time so why couldn't this door be much taller than 3 feet?

  2. A little door for little Martians. I am open to the idea of intelligent little Martians. After all, on Earth the dinosaurs were so large because of the higher levels of oxygen in the air.
    Sometimes a doorway is just a doorway. The sharp corners does cause one to pause and think about it's origin.
    The problem is if this is a doorway then the next questions are who built it? Why did they built it. How did they built it. When was the doorway built. Most importantly where does the doorway lead.
    Or is this just our imagination as NASA wants us to believe.

  3. Why that curiosity rover didn't went inside it. It's just a hoax nothing else. NASA spent millions and billions of dollars but not getting anything on mars so just spreading this images and trying to get attention.

  4. If true that NASA has not commented on this matter maybe they are seeing how we react. It would be nice to know how big the opening actually is. All the incredible amount of money they spent to get there one would think something like this would require a close up view. They say only natural rock but you can clearly see a shadow going deeper in. Why not take the helicopter close up to see what it really is?

  5. If what they say about mars having rivers in the past and if life had developed when disaster struck one would go under ground to deal with it. All this said we can only speculate if it is only a few inches tall they most likely natural if life size then look closer.

  6. Quran
    Chapter 1 verse 2 :-
    "Alhamdu lillahi rabbi al-alameena"
    All Praise is to Allah . Lord of Worlds
    ( Alam = world
    Alameen = Worlds, multiverse concept Earth like planets)

    Chapter 2 verse 47 :-
    O childrens of Israel , remember my favor that i have bestowed upon you and that I preferred you over the worlds

    Chapter 65 verse 12:-
    It is Allah who Created Seven Heavens ( universe) and its Earth . Like of them . His command is among them so you may know that Allah is over all things competent
    ( 7 Heavens and 7 Earth )

    chapter 51 verse 47 :-
    "And the heaven(universe) We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander." ..(Talking about Expansion of universe😍)
    According to Edwin hubble and NASA:-. Universe is expanding and galaxies are moving away from milky way

  7. there are many natural formations along the sides of the hills here in Ky. from broken rocks . The first time I saw them from the road I thought it was the entrance to some place but I then saw it for what it really was close up .

  8. This is an extreme example of pareidolia. I know it looks like a doorway or entrance way but its not. It is am example of why the word pareidolia was made. It looks like an entrance but according to the NASA authorities it is not. Just like the face of Mars looks like a human face.. i am happy to learn that all of these are just natural stone formations that just happen to look like something on Earth.


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