My Wife Thought The Cheating Would Go Unpunished But I Got Revenge On Her Reddit Story Audio Book

My Wife Thought The Cheating Would Go Unpunished But I Got Revenge On Her Reddit Story Audio Book

We work extremely hard to serve you guys the highest quality story reading content. Each video takes a lot of effort when it comes to thinking of topics, ideation, editing, voice-acting, recording, etc. All the content in these videos are owned by me!

Our Work Process:
1. Come up with questions, research, script, come up with opinions/commentary, polish until ready for recording.
2. Record voice acting the stories/questions, sharing thoughts and opinions and performing it in a creative and transformative fashion for viewers to enjoy.
3. Record gameplay until there is enough interesting footage to use for the background
4. Throw the gameplay in the editing software and then begin typing up the captions, cutting/trimming the voice acting, adding SFX, color correction, removing/adding clips, etc.
5. Final review of the video, if video is not up to the quality desired for this channel. Either go back into the editing software, re-record some lines, change opinions/commentaries.

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Based on the book:


39 thoughts on “My Wife Thought The Cheating Would Go Unpunished But I Got Revenge On Her Reddit Story Audio Book”

  1. I do not see how these whore women think that even if it's just one time or one guy, that their husband would be ok with it, FORGIVE her and their marriage could go on. Or when he finds out and wants a divorce, they start to cry and beg for forgiveness and say it didn't mean anything, I wasn't trying to hurt you, but I still love you and only you and you thought he would say ok and take your dirtya$$ back. WTF RETARDED planet do you think you live on!

  2. These days, a prenuptial should be mandatory! Feminist brainwashing has destroyed our girls and they are no longer marriage material. Most are just 304s in school and can never adjust to being married and being faithful.

  3. Another story where the writer is an idiot for such dialog. “I should have spied on you” fucking really? Obviously has no f’ing clue about infidelity? What language that would transpire between the hurt husband and the cheating 304.

  4. Author was good until they try to break down areas of Des Moines and it falls apart. the Hampton Inn is one block away from Quality Inn and the adjacent hotel is the Days Inn. also to see the front he had to park on Fleur Dr. to see it and stay hidden.

  5. What woman gets humiliated by having a hickey given by her husband?

    As far as I know, women wear those with pride showing that they have an attentive partner.

    I guess this one was just upsetting it was a hickey from her husband instead of her lover Banks

  6. Listen, my dear Fran, it is what it is you know she’s in somebody’s bed OK at the Hampton Inn OK she’s not home you know why cause she doesn’t care she’s having a little thrill. He still cares for you, but she cares about her bed at the Hampton Inn a lot more than what she cares about you right this very moment OK better woman for you babe. I wish you all the best you found yourself a dead hard cheater. Good luck and good do what you Gotta do but I’m setting powder try to figure it out you can’t figure women out buddy it’s a lost cause OK take care and lots of luck to you.😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

  7. Why why are you playing cat and mouse? The doctors know you know she disease chicken STD and you sit in your bantering back-and-forth. Tell her that you know that she disease and whoever she got it from why don’t you just tell her I’m getting so mad I can’t see straight what’s the point of holding it off? Why are you still told him back? It is what it is that’s up tell her you know what she’s been doing sure the film even good Lord to get it out and everybody can see it man. What are you waiting for now? This is ridiculous.😢😢😢😢😢

  8. My dear friend, she has no guilt get over it you’re making me nuts she doesn’t care she has no guilt. She wants to bang her body. OK I told you to turn them in to the hospital and get on with your life and you all you do is does she really care? Who did you notify Call? I can’t take it it’s too much talking none of action we need action. Lots of action come on accident shit.

  9. Connie Silverton, CEO of a major medical facility… in IA… that’s a bit presumptious. Call me when IA becomes a major state and not just a flyover zone/tourist site for political junkies with their state caucuses because as soon as those are held, the state goes back to dormant “W(ho)R(eally)GAF (about IA)” status for 3 years.
    Tyler Atom Clinton? He doesn’t look like he was born in 50s Egypt when nuclear power was the rage for naming to show support for world progress…
    Again: 4FS, get someone to proofread yer s4!t before posting, and sue the elementary grade-school that passed you on from 2nd to 3rd grade “socially” after 7 years of eating stale paste and licking bugs off the inside panes of classroom windows….

  10. And yet another: why the F would the union rep’s parents put pressure on her for the results of marginal-faith negotiations by management. “You never trust suits” who haven’t worked on a line/shop floor, their goal never matches those of employees: good wages, good benefits, and good, safe conditions.

  11. Simple fact: you can’t, “set an innocent someone up for a ‘fall’ ” if they are truly innocent. Lynne was hardly that. Basically the message is: Don’t do bad ** to someone who cares about you, and “stuff” won’t take a huge chunk outta your @$$ when it gets publicity.


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