My Wife Cheated On Me W/ an NFL Star And Was Proud Of It I Got Revenge On Them Story Audio Book

My Wife Cheated On Me W/ an NFL Star And Was Proud Of It I Got Revenge On Them Story Audio Book

We work extremely hard to serve you guys the highest quality story reading content. Each video takes a lot of effort when it comes to thinking of topics, ideation, editing, voice-acting, recording, etc. All the content in these videos are owned by me!

Our Work Process:
1. Come up with questions, research, script, come up with opinions/commentary, polish until ready for recording.
2. Record voice acting the stories/questions, sharing thoughts and opinions and performing it in a creative and transformative fashion for viewers to enjoy.
3. Record gameplay until there is enough interesting footage to use for the background
4. Throw the gameplay in the editing software and then begin typing up the captions, cutting/trimming the voice acting, adding SFX, color correction, removing/adding clips, etc.
5. Final review of the video, if video is not up to the quality desired for this channel. Either go back into the editing software, re-record some lines, change opinions/commentaries.

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#RedditCheating #CheatingStories #redditstories

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31 thoughts on “My Wife Cheated On Me W/ an NFL Star And Was Proud Of It I Got Revenge On Them Story Audio Book”

  1. I guess….moral of the story is…get married with similar type.
    Hes a ranch guy. 1st wife is a ranch girl. 2nd wife couldnt/refuse to adapt to ranch life. She dislike it. She likes the….glamorous life…
    Even without current AP, she gonna cheat when a glamorous guy give her attention.
    Thankfully, 3rd wife is a ranch girl.
    Thats why the heavens bless them …..

  2. Their family would be a….very interesting topic when gathering with other people if they hail from out of town.
    Basically…theyd thought that
    Gramp n grandma son is bobby.
    Emily is grandma's niece so bobby n emily are cousin.
    Bobby's son n emily's daughter is marrying, meaning they are second cousin.
    So, bobby is marrying his first cousin.
    Carter is marrying his second cousin.

    Then theres Ann…shes the daughter of gramp n granny….so bobby is marrying his sister and got carter tyler.

    Not-in-the-know people gonna be flabbergasted n start alabama meme joke.

  3. Ever Beg!!” I d I’ll not care how much you love her ! If she do Ed sny respect your marrage any more than this ??? She’s a lost cause cut your losses and find a girl who has pride in her fsmily ! !!❤❤❤

  4. Divorce laws in USA

    No wonder that nowadays, most American men want to get married in Europe, so if divorce happens, they get a fair deal, not a BS ruling in a country that accepts unlawfully judge decisions


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