My wife and I watch The Last of Us for the FIRST time || Episode 3

We’re watching and reacting to episode 3 of The Last of Us!

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41 thoughts on “My wife and I watch The Last of Us for the FIRST time || Episode 3”

  1. As a gay viewer I just want to say thank you to Holden/Jen for cultivating an audience where the discourse is polite and not homophobic. The su*cide aspect is so interesting and deserving of the discourse it is getting here, and it's so refreshing to see an online community focus on that and some of the more interesting aspects of this episode and not, you know, the homophobia.

    As for the show vs the game, I honestly think you should watch the show first and then play the game. This is coming from a long time gamer who, a month ago, probably would have URGED you to play the game first. But TBH I think the show is doing such a phenomenal job it would be great to experience blind and not be tainted by any expectations the game might give you.

  2. I appreciate the dynamic you guys have and how you can talk out complex issues with differing, yet respectful opinions. Holden, don’t worry about being so cautious lol. I may not agree with you regarding how Bill & Frank died, but I can totally see how you came to your conclusion. Keep up the great work, guys!

  3. Holden opened a can of worms on this chat I haven't seen on any other reactions, about su***de or assisted. But I have started to think about other similar situations.

    – Like if a loved one gets bit, is it a sin to finish them off before they turn?
    – Is the view different from a natural disease, accidents, or infection?

    I have a few more situations and considerations but don't want to write an essay worth of text.

  4. Yeah don't agree with Holden regarding the way Frank decided to go out… or about how that situation would've played out differently if it were a hetero couple… honestly kind of misogynistic, and just disrespectful to Jen

  5. In the end, I truly think Bill and Frank won at life. Compared to the QZ's, raiders, and infected, they were at the absolute highest point of a meaningful life as you can get in a world like this. As Bill said, he's satisfied, and his purpose was satisfied with one more good day. There was nothing, and I really mean nothing for him to live for with Frank gone. We all search for a connection to someone or something, and Bill's connection just so happened to get trapped in a hole at his doorstep.

    However, I don't think it's romanticizing suicide at all; its knowing when you're at your peak in life and there's no where to go but down.

  6. This episode wasn't romanticizing suicide at all. They didn't have proper medical care, Frank was probably in a lot of pain, Bill was getting old so taking care of Frank was probably getting harder, etc. There are so many reasons why I think in the context of the show the death was okay.

  7. First things first, have I been saying Reese's wrong my whole life? Or is this an American thing? As a Canadian I pronounce it the way it spells, not "Reesees" serious question

  8. I agree with the point Holden was trying to make in a normal context, but I think that when we get into uncurbable diseases and especially within an apocalypse setting I think that they did it beautifully. I don't think they were romanticizing that action, if anything they were romanticizing the belief that if you do decide that is a route you want to go you should make sure to have led a fulfilling life with the ones you love however you can. Frank could've given up as soon as he got sick in the apocalypse but both he and Bill decided that they wanted to fill whatever time they had left with love and comfort and to have this be told within a queer story means so much to me because us queer people don't always get the comfort to decide how and when with a lot of our lives (and considering the apocalypse happened in 2003 they wouldn't have been able to get married cause that hadn't been passed so fulfilling that before making that decision is another big reason i don't think that act is what is being romanticized)

  9. Frank would have started to not be able to talk or move very soon, bill would be completely alone watching the love of his life suffer while also getting old himself which is so isolating and painful and in the middle of dystopian world too where likely they would have had to fight to survive again at some point and are too old to do so leading to an inevitable ugly death. old age and things like als and Parkinson's etc is ugly and painful and heartbreaking even in a non apocalyptic world so to have to put themselves through that suffering and trauma when they were already able to accomplish so much love and peace in impossible times would just be not fair so I think its artistic and powerful and beautiful they got to choose to make it peaceful and full of love. they were able to live so long and mostly peacefully in a time where thats incredibly rare! they did it they showed that love thrives and gets you through. bill didn't have much to live for before frank its likely he would have died way earlier so the fact he got to love and was satisfied and had purpose and lived a happier more intentional life and change for the better and had a love story for that long was a blessing and its so beautiful that even their death was beautiful and full of love! that actually is inspiring not romancing anything bad at all its beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time thats what's so powerful about it.

  10. You absolutely and unquestionably need to experience the end of the first video game before you experience the end of the first season. One trillion billion infinite percent. There can be no substitute to taking the actions as the characters versus watching them.

  11. Old and dying in an apocalypse is “romanticizing” suicide..but we have Romeo and Juliet being sad teens, and that’s a classic. No hate, just can’t say I agree with your take on it. You’re obviously allowed to have your own opinion, and I respect it. Very much excited to continue watching this with you guys! (Side note: LOVE that her shirt just says “WIFE” 😂)

  12. Nick Offerman killed it in this episode. I'd be surprised if he doesnt win an Emmy for it.

    I don't think the episode romanticized suicide, and I honestly don't think that's what people will get from it overall. I think it more presented dying with dignity. It's understandable why one would not want to live without the other or want the other to continue suffering. And it is the Apocalypse, afterall. The chances of meeting another gay man you could deem your "purpose" are pretty minute. So I think what Bill says at the end is very appropriate: "I'm old… I'm satisfied." I can see why he wouldn't want to go back the life he had prior to Frank.

  13. This has been my favorite episode so far. The writing was phenomenal, and the acting was award worthy, in my opinion. As Holden pointed out, several times in the 1st half of the episode, it was different seeing "Ron Swanson" play this role. But after about 15 minutes, I didn't see Ron Swanson anymore. I saw an amazing actor portraying a character that understood what needed to be done in a world that was falling apart, and in the middle of everything, still found someone to share it with. The relationship that was built with Frank is one I think most of us would hope to achieve after everything that happened. These two managed to build a life together and when everything was said and done, went out on their own terms. If it's possible to win the apocalypse, that's what these two did.

  14. Problem I have with this episode, not going to touch the low-hanging fruit, is if this was set in Massachusetts, I know the leaves on the trees turn all kinds of colours in the east. The trees here in Calgary, where that scene is supposed to be standing in for Massachusetts, the leaves only turn bland yellow, so nope, not Eastern U.S.

  15. Holden misunderstood the whole death part of Bill & Frank.
    It's romantic for sure but it's also tragic, Frank knew there was no hope for him and Bill himself is too old to properly care for him(you see Bill struggle trying to get Frank on the bed). Bill is struggling physically and emotionally, but isn't showing it to Frank. However, Frank knows that.
    Also, Bill can't imagine living without Frank. Being old, all alone against the world. He doesn't want that for him.
    Maybe if there was other people whom he loved and would've taken care of him then Bill wouldn't have followed Frank but he doesn't have that luxury.
    To Bill going out with the person who meant the world to him was far more desireable than living.
    As tragic as it is there is also a beauty to it.

  16. what…? did you just forget the context of the reason for the suic*de? Its an apocalypse, it was suffering after being alone and being THAT OLD plus his "purpose" was filled.
    In no way was it romanticizing suic*de, it was sad that it was a necessity in their situation. If the apocalypse didn't happen, they would probably have friends and family to aid them along in their old age which was sad to think on what would've been.

  17. Bill and Frank won the apocalypse. fine diners every night, fresh fruit and safety. and in the end the went out on their own decision, not cuz the world forced them to but cuz they felt like they were done. Bill and Frank lived better than most of us in this world with out raiders and clickers

  18. i agree with you in what you said about self-offing IN OUR WORLD, however in the apocalypse, i think it's totally acceptable. In this world, you got things to live for, family, friends, whatnot, but Bill really would've just been alone after that for who knows how much more, just surviving for the sake of survival, depressed af all day …not that fun if you ask me … yes Joel was on his way there, but he didn't know that + he wasn't the kind of guy who would've gone like "can i come with you guys?" 😅 …

  19. How you guys didn’t pick up on the homosexuality during the meal scene and especially during piano is wild. I thought it was pretty obvious. Also put your own personal or religious biases aside when watching a film/show. They were absolutely NOT romanticizing suicide. This is a one, contained incident. Just enjoy the beautifulness of the scene without bringing it into your world and beliefs

  20. The show and the game have some pretty big differences already so to progress in the game wont spoil much. Not to mention the game is probably like 20 hours (probably more for Jen to finish) so playing like 10 hours of the game will basically put you at like 4-5 hours into the show. There's no way to catch up with the show unless you guys spend an entire day recording episodes of those.

  21. Don’t play the game past the show. Listen to Jen on this one Holden.
    People mostly watch your channel for movie and tv reactions. You’re new to gaming on this channel and genuine reactions to the show will be a lot better.

  22. if I recall correctly, they insinuate that Frank had cancer. I understand the whole point about romanticizing suicide and don't like the idea of that either, but I don't know if that applies here as Jen explained.

  23. I love that it was there own choice to go out the way they did. In this series, a lot of people's lives get taken from them. It is so powerful in this dangerous world that they had a different choice. That people got to have a life and have love. It makes it more powerful to me. That the human side to all of us is never really gone. ❤️

    Also go and watch/hear the podcast for this episode. It is amazing! I was hooked on what they were saying and the choices that were made. Amazing work❤️


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