My TOP TEN Historic Sites in 2022

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42 thoughts on “My TOP TEN Historic Sites in 2022”

  1. Chris you make me fall in love with history all over again every time i watch a video, I hope to find advice about the future from our past history thank you for helping me through that everyday
    I want to thank you for everything you do and the joy and knowledge you give me
    Happy new year hope it’s filled with blessings!!!!!!

  2. I really enjoy your videos and learning more of history that I haven’t heard and I really appreciate . There is place I grew up visiting these places. Most particularly Civil war sites . Like Fort Fisher, Fort Anderson, Bentonville and other historic sites.

  3. Just saw this while I was at number 7. I have poured myself a few fingers of Blume Marillen since it seemed thematic. I will be sipping instead of shooting. Because I am both a light weight and not a newcomer to your videos and consistent awe and appreciation for history. Thanks for this content 🙂

  4. Well I haven't been to any historical locations recently but I have visited in November 14 2019 a little trading post called fort Osage in Silbey Missouri it's a old 19 century fort and they used to trad with local native American population and I do enjoy Verdun videos

  5. Just discovered this channel about 2 hours ago. I originally clicked on it because you did a review of Dr. Mike's video on how presidents died. Since then I have just been going through videos. Really excited to see more. Do you do mostly European and U.S. history or do you ever do Latin American history?

  6. Not necessarily a favorite (because it's so horrible), but very memorable video was Verdun: Episode 3. The sight of that mass grave stuck with me for weeks. It's not just dead soldiers. It's families who were told that their fathers, sons, and brothers were gone, but they never got to say goodbye properly. The cost of war is not something that can be understated, so thank you for sharing it. It's not a cost that many people think about or consider today.

  7. arundel castle is very close to where i live so as a result i've been twice this year, it's a great visit if you're in the area, it's also close to the battle of hastings battlefield which i visited in april

  8. Hey Chris! its so cool to see the places you went to! I went to a lot of these places right before you did this year! You should check out Mont St. Michel whenever you go to the region of Normandy again!! You can find videos of American troops going and staying there not long after D-day. It is 100% worth staying overnight on the island because it doesn't cost much and you will have time to explore with little to no tourists in the way!

    Also if anyone knows how to spell the "valqua" hill in France please let me know I can not find it google maps.

  9. As a Belgian, I naturally enjoy your excellent videos on the Ypres Salient. It's nice to see your genuine passion and immense interest and knowledge about places in my own country! I cannot give you enough gratitude and praise for that!
    The most historic place I personally went to, is the little French village Alisé-Sainte-Reine, better known in its Latin name: Alesia. Seeing the battlefield where the great Julius Caesar sealed the fate of Gaul was mindboggling.

  10. I have been watching your channel for some time and what i love about this community is that it really feels like a dialogue between us all who love history and allows us all to share more information

  11. Seeing the battlefields in these videos gave me chills, I couldn’t imagine what it’s like to be there.

    I’ve been dying to go to Pearl Harbor, while it might not be filled with as much history as some European sites. It’s definitely on top of my bucket list to visit as an American. Keep up the great content!

  12. Loved all the historic places you've been in 2022. Unfortunately didn't manage to get to historic places myself in 2022. In previous years have been to plenty of other places like Berlin (Berlin Wall, Brandenburg Gate, Reichstag building etc), Prague, Budapest, Auschwitz and Krakow (Schindler's factory) which was very moving like yourself at Douaumont. The WW1 battlefields here are definitely on my to do list.

  13. I live in the south of the UK but have never been inside Westminster abbey or the Tower of London ( i have been outside for the Poppies & 70th WW2 commemorations ). We went thro France & Belgium this year. Newfoundland cemetary, Tynecot cemetary and the Sunken lane at Beaumont Hamel were emotional for us.


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