My Time Absolutely Vanished In This Airship Pirate Sandbox – Airship Kingdoms Adrift

Airship Kingdoms Adrift gameplay with Splat! Let’s Play Airship Kingdoms Adrift and check out a game where you’ll become a sky captain in a customizable ship full of boom sticks and glory.

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37 thoughts on “My Time Absolutely Vanished In This Airship Pirate Sandbox – Airship Kingdoms Adrift”

  1. Got this on release. One of those "I think I am having fun… no idea what I am doing" type games. Lots of stuff Splatt mentioned, like what Level am I exactly?

    Meant to go back to it now it has been patched but War Tales dropped a major update…

  2. its a great game! i put lots of hours in it already. can recommend it to everyone.
    a bit of warning. everyone seems to judging the game by an old demo version which is not representing the current state of the game at all.

  3. Do you remember "Stratosphere: Conquest of the Skies"? They got the sky-castle-battle thing done nicely back in the day. This game with the ship optics and graphical "wake" trailing them looks more seafaring to me, than up in the skies.

  4. When I saw the naval combat in assassin's creed, my #1 biggest complaint is that it felt about 100% like Mario Kart on water and about 0% like any time I have ever been on a boat, ever…

    The counter to this is that naval combat games that work well with realism and tension like Empire Total War and such feel way too slow for casual gamers.

    I like the way this game appears to have resolved that. When it's boring just speed up time, so everyone can move faster (empire total war has this too).

    But I've always hated AC naval combat with a passion because of this.

    Sad that a little title like this does a better job.

    Also, notice that French people have French accents and Spanish people have Spanish accents.

    Ahem. UNITY…. Looking at you!

  5. I just don't understand why pretend like it's a "sky ship" fighting game when you simply stay on the same level of every other ship, you simply can travel also where there would be landmasses. Meh.

  6. grrr its really so depressing I really want to watch this but can't because according to you tube I'm using an adblocker(I'm NOT and never have) so the only way to watch your content now would be to pay you tube $12.99 a month which is not going to happen

  7. With a crew of drunken pilots
    we're the only airship pirates.
    We're full of hot air
    and we're starting to rise.
    We're the terror of the skies
    but a danger to ourselves now.
    ~ Abney Park "Airship Pirates"

  8. To be a worthy successor to Uncharted Waters. I need a fun dueling mechanic. I need to be able to capture ships and have them in my fleet. I need supplies to travel and reach my destinations. Looks awesome though. Love the setting.

  9. I'm so glad you revisited this game! I had this on my wishlist but after it released the reviews seemed mixed, so I took it off. After watching this yesterday I checked the reviews again on steam and they've improved drastically. I bought it and I'm very glad I did! It's a great game (with a few flaws like you detailed). It's 2 parts Sid Meier's Pirates and one part Eve Online. Both are some of my favorite games. I do wish there was a 3rd party site where you can try different loadouts on different ships, like you can find in Eve, so you can tinker with your fittings without needlessly buying modules in the game.

  10. the thing on the front of the Bronze Drake is actually a… bronze drake, not a gargoyle. A gargoyle is actually a decorative gutter, a religious symbol used for draining water.
    Gargoyle comes from Latin meaning gurgling water in the throat, well it actually just means throat. A drake is a dragon….im a nerd.

  11. 15:15 Well, no quest log is called "Ultima rules" RPG'ing because, iirc, the developer behind the iconic series didn't like hand holdy things like quest logs. If you thought something was important, like who wanted the what'sit, then you should make a note.

    I do think if a modern game wants to take that design approach, it should include an in game note pad

  12. This game reminds me of Eureka Seven because of how the ships float in the sky, it is even the same color, if this had mecha it would be complete, now i want to play a version that is like Eureka Seven…

  13. This is giving me back fond memories of Rebel Galaxy with the two-dimensional ship warfare, but steampunk insted of sci-fi, and more fleet orientated than your single ship and hired escort fighter in Rebel Galaxy. Rebel Galaxy Outlaw moving to 3D frigate-only combat lost the charm of the broadside Capital-class ship to ship combat. This seems quite promising.

  14. Interesting.. It reminds me of one of the lost great one 'Cloud Pirates' would love to see that comeback.. If the ships here would at least look and behave like that, it might have been instant buy..
    For what it looks like now it has many many similarities to something like 'Uncharted Waters Online' that is fully free and well supported by its community, but also very very dated unfortunatly..

  15. Hi Matt and everyone!

    This is Jay, the creator of Kingdoms Adrift, chiming in to express my heartfelt gratitude. A big "Thank You" to all, especially Matt, for the incredible support.

    It was quite a coincidence, that this video was posted just two days before we rolled out the game's first major patch last month. While it addressed a lot of the issues discussed in this video, I hesitated to reach out here and on Discord at that point, as some challenges still lingered.

    Instead of making premature promises, our team decided to buckle down and work. Fast forward, and it's almost a month later – the patch that resolves every concern raised in this video is now live. I want to extend my sincere thanks to everyone who has been watching Matt and trying out the game. Your support means the world to us, and we're thrilled to have you on this journey together.

    – Jay


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