My Thoughts On Season 9 Of Overwatch 2

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22 thoughts on “My Thoughts On Season 9 Of Overwatch 2”

  1. I really hate that argument that people who want something different from overwatch are just bad, like cmon dude.
    Seagull doesnt like the health inflation and regularly just doesnt play overwatch for long periods of time because of all the things he doesnt like, is he the "bad one" of your friendgroup.

    Bad stance to argue from.

  2. For Moira players, This seems like it'll be the Season of dps Moira like no other
    There's no sustain in healing, even with orb and tinkle spray
    The damage buff and the slight buff to the size of her beam makes it more viable to be generally annoying to the enemy team

  3. Played comp the last 2 days in plat lobbies and you dont know how many times the tank just dives in and then complains about us healers……so I always reply with "did you read the patch notes?" LITERALLY 90% of the time they reply with " no I just know everyone has larger health"……..ok ill just go play comp and cry more inside lol

  4. I honestly don't feel much change, but worse if anything for ranked. My placement matches were poorly matchmade (again). I noticed that it would be a couple even games then others where the enemy team would just steamroll us and from looking at the stat board both our teams should not have been put together in the first place for a match. I main support, I'm better with some than others (Lifeweaver, Moira, Illiari, Kiriko & Brig) however I ended up placing in Silver 3 for it. I don't feel like the support/healing role gets recognised as much for the healing side of things in compet scoring which is frustrating as that's literally their job but it feels like they should focus on getting kills to rank up more. It's hard to do this though when you're placed with piss poor teams that can't even understand the 2 simple words "Group Up" so you spend majority of your time having to heal still even with the new passive to DPS. I did get more kills than usual which I'm guessing is down to the projectile size increase, and I also noticed that due to FTS and the former, I would get killed a lot more even when making it around corners already and then dying.

    I also noticed a lot more DPS players with 0 IQ thinking this new passive and increases meant they were God Tier and kept running in alone to try and glory hunt, only to be deleted instantly.

    I feel like the game should just be called DPS instead of Overwatch at this point. Everything seems to just get stacked in DPS favour. Tank is even less impactful to a game. Support just feels like it's there to service only DPS and to make Tank still exist so they can do not much. The scoring system feels like it favours everything DPS related like kills and damage, over what the others intended roles are and scoring them for playing within their wheelhouse rather than trying to break out of it and be secondary DPS.

    I'm by no means delusional either and not gonna say I should be like GM level. I think myself with Support should sit in the Plat/Diamond areas, my Tank playing could probably be like Silver/Gold at times and my DPS (which I play least of) should be between the Bronze to Silver region. However my highest ranked class is DPS, and I've mained Support since day 1 OW1 and can play some of those characters quite well tbh. Silver 3 just feels like a slap in the face for getting put with moronic people who don't know how to function as a team, and a scoring system that just feels like it doesn't equally rank me against DPS based on what my role is/should be and what I'm doing within that.

    Just feels like same shit different day and the dev team must just be say there in their office like baboons scratching their arses wondering what to do about it and coming up with the solution to buff DPS, or rework other heroes to be more DPS-like.

  5. Why not make it so Tank give a 5% damage resistance passive to nearby allies, while having itself getting a higher damage resistance? Or maybe make it so passives are 50% less effective as they are now, but making it instead so nearby allies have their passives doubled (as damage, -20% healing -> -10% healing, but being near your tank brings it back up to -20% healing)? Or both?


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