My Thoughts on Mythic+ Season 3 First Week Tuning…

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29 thoughts on “My Thoughts on Mythic+ Season 3 First Week Tuning…”

  1. I was talking with my friend about how I should have been recording our runs this last week Especially in BRH because we were crying-laughing when we got to the stairs and those silly bats were just.. Grouping up–turning to look at someone and they'd explode.

    But ofc I'm also playing BDK instead of monk this season so I just got to live through all of it, only time I(Almost-edit) died because I was actually dripping tears from my eyes and hyperventilating from laughter.

    -The Yazma change is weird though.. If I'm being pessimistic then that mechanic this coming week on Tyran is DEFINITELY just going to 1-shot people then they're going to have to change it again, HAH; Or–It's being changed from curse to magic which may trivialize it in another way other than just tank-interrupting spider-lady while everyone gathers and AOEs the adds down.

    The RISE Dungeon notes I think weren't split properly and it's referring to trash and boss stuff under Deios because not all those mobs spawn. He's got a lot of health but you don't DPS him until the end when you've killed the portal-opening mobs so Not sure who wrote the article but it's a bit wompus.

    There will certainly be more tweaks to these dungeons over the next couple weeks but we have been blessed with some full comedic moments for a first week of M+ that's for sure!

  2. from pugging to 2.1k io on day 3 as a prot war i will some im a little sad the 2nd boss on everbloom didnt get nerfed, even tho its fort week that seemed to be a huge pug stopped and getting charged for 800k dmg then having to take 1 tick on the floor aoe HURTTT

  3. You and I had the same reaction to "The required enemy forces count for Atal’Dazar has been increased." Seems like such an aggressive change and I always hate when they change routes like that. The worst thing is that the route that is currently be played, is the same one used for almost all of BFA, minus season four.

  4. Atal Dazar changes 💀
    who approved that lmao

    Edit: Foul bolt is the "out of range" thing for Ozumat that stationary bosses usually have. It's just his was like a tiny cast time and would just gib the tank if they dared pull too far away.

  5. Atal'dazar has 2 joke bosses and they buff the strongest boss by far with a no counter mechanic… not to say how chaotic this fight will get after 2:30 mins
    + no matter how much they nerf the middle pack it will be almost 100% not worthin getting unless they remove the undodgeable skill that stuns

  6. If that wracking pain change goes through then it wouldn't surprise me if Atal ends up as the hardest dungeon next week. That ability wipes groups when missed so much so that change written that way must be wrong or incomplete.

  7. Can somebody explain what was wrong with the Tainted Guardian's swell cast in TOTT? I have never had trouble with it, it does pitiful damage and is easily healed. The on-death debuff from the adds is what makes it deal damage, and if you pad on them you get punished for ignoring the mechanic. That seems reasonable to me? It seems like the punishment is clearly telegraphed and explained, the counterplay is intuitive and easy to achieve (stop padding), and when played correctly the damage profile is reasonable even at high key levels.

    I constantly hear people saying this cast is overtuned. Maybe they just don't know about the mechanic where you are supposed to not kill the small guys?

  8. I htink the atal change, means it's just a damage hit and no periodic tick, been awhile since I even got hit by it, but I thought it put a dot on you so now I suspect it won't

  9. I'm a bit double on the swell change. I think nerfing the stacking damage increase from 10% to something lower would've been better, since that is the actual mechanic you're dealing with. It feels the intended way is to not blast AoE until after swell is done, except on higher keys when the unstable corruptions don't die until swell is already casting/done. You can be doing something like a 15 or 16, and have the stacks turn it into healing a 20 or higher, where on a lower key it doesn't really matter, and on higher keys they don't die quickly enough to be a problem, creating this weird bell-curve of difficulty.

    And I feel what it's asking, wait for AoE until X ability, is something we can get used to. It's week 1, so most people don't know to look out for it yet. But on the other hand, I do think it's a bit much and too easy to mess up.

  10. well in a month propably everything is gonna be tuned/adjusted better…whats better to have people paying to fix your game hehe
    dungeon pool isnt bad tbh this season

  11. So I won't comment TOO much on Atal'Dazar because I only really ran it once last week and it was a 16 that I got into from like a double upgrade 14 that the previous group just decided to yolo into (and we upgraded it). BUT I will say my takeaways from it were twofoid 1)Yazma was leagues harder than the rest of the instance and 2) Saurids were the only mob I felt was overtuned. Iirc they leap to random non-tank players and their attacks leave a disease/poison that TRUCKS and they do it ad nauseum. This is what I BELIEVE is what they removed to bring the saurids into line with other trash mobs. I could easily be misremembering how it went down, though. I did a TON of dungeons in a VERY short time and things kinda are blending together a bit from week 1. lol

    ToT I feel like they are not done adjusting, yet. I kind of think they want to see how they gauntlet feels on a non-fortified week before they pull the trigger on wholesale changes and want to see if the bandaid they are applying works or not. We'll see how it goes, but I expect to see more changes either next week or in two weeks.

    Rise, first of all I am pretty sure only the first two of those changes listed under Deios are to the Deios fight itself. The rest SEEM to be from trash mobs all over the dungeon. So the original article probably just is missing a space and heading there. That beign said those look like good changes. Once people learn the mechanics better (myself included) that should bring the dungeon more in line with others BUT I still feel like it's going to be one or two keystone levels harder than it's number implies (currently feels like 3 or 4).

    Waycrest. I feel like Waycrest will feel leagues easier this week without Sanguine. All those tight corridors in there started feeling claustraphobic after running it and failing multiple times this week. (Luckily Syz applied to one of the keys I was in and tanked, rather carried as a tank, the whole key to a +2 upgrade no pringles showed up though more's the pity.) The bosses while hard feel fair. I feel liek I know the mechanics and am dialing into them so it being Tyrannical this week is just about stepping up, numbers wise, which in the first few weeks of progression is how it should be anyway. And with gear upgrading at that start of the season rate it should balance out well, hopefully. Changes seem good, though.

    BlackRook Hold Kind of sad about this nerf, I wanted to see the batmobile…. Nah hard for me to comment I need a TON more reps as this place seems to be the one I am tripping over the most this season. Or at least it feels that way. Getting better at the boulders but you saw some of those wipes there is clearly a cognitive dissonance with me and that pace and I just need to hammer it hoem a little better and work to get the mechanics down.

    Darkheart thicket I feel like once I get to the Tree boss everything starts to make more sense and it is more about execution and less about learning for me but definitely need more reps before I can comment about it and any changes. (The ones they mentioned only really seem to be tank based anyway so, insert shrug emojj here.)

    Galakrond's fall, still learning but starting to understand it. More reps needed for sure. Changes seem good.

    So those are my (short as I can make them) thoughts on the changes and the dungeons they were made for. Look forward to catching mroe streams this week and learnign by osmosis.

  12. I think a flat health buff to trash would have been a very simple and effective way of bringing atal back in line, some of that trash can be dangerous if left alive, instead they introduce an unavoidable one shot to the last boss

  13. Question for anyone that has done throne of tides. In cata, swell was a magic buff on the elemental that could be purged off. I remember doing it on my priest. Is it no longer a buff and just a cast now ? Wowhead lists it as a magic dispel type. It would be good to know if you happen to have a priest , shaman or dh in the group.

  14. Whoever organized the Blue Post needs to make categories a bit more clear. The adds under Chrono-Lord Deios are not a part of his fight, they're mobs from the rest of the dungeon. The format of the post is just making it unclear. They're really solid changes in general, but most people aren't going to understand what's been changed with how it's presented.

  15. Two things: 1) who’s folks and why are you a salty sailor? 2) the “more consistent” spawn for gauntlet in throne of tides I imagine spawns the same number of mobs each time opposed to doing 1 then 3 then 2 then 5 something like that


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