My Thoughts on Granblue Fantasy Relink

Here’s my Granblue Fantasy Relink Review. I’m still progressing through endgame, but this video should give you an idea of what to expect on your Granblue Fantasy Adventure.

#granbluefantasy #granbluefantasyrelink #rurikhan
0:00 Granblue Fantasy Relink Review
1:00 What is Granblue Fantasy Relink
6:42 Visuals, Cutscenes & Animation
10:29 Sounds, Voice Acting & Soundtrack
14:50 Story (No Spoilers)
15:42 Gameplay & Progression
19:33 Difficulty Problems (Too Easy)
26:19 Problems & Feedback
33:32 Final Thoughts


44 thoughts on “My Thoughts on Granblue Fantasy Relink”

  1. I played the demo yesterday, and almost completely lost interest when I found out I could win all the fights one-handed, no, I'm not joking; due to the fact that most characters have a lot of movement when attacking I found that I didn't need my left hand in the slightest to play… XD

  2. Don't know what the problem with jap devs these days, but some of their games seriously lack difficulty ( kakaroth, tales of arise and this game) the enemy AI barely attack the player. I am not gonna play a boring game that offer no challenge.

  3. Bit of a PSA on the totem trial things; crossing the boundary will stop the trial prematurely. This can be particularly bad for ones that include a boss fight, like the one Ruri showcases in this review, said boss in my playthrough had just pixels to go before defeat when it cornered an AI near the boundary but before I knew it my pogo combo with Zeta bounced me back through the barrier turning the trial off like a light switch. Hope Cygames can make a fix for this or some sort of prevention since it'll be quite frustrating if it happens to future trials. In the meantime be wary of bosses that start rampaging near the barrier.

  4. I was excited for this game but seeing people say the story is only 10 hours or 20 if you do side content is kind of a bummer. I play RPGs for the story and the action looks crazy as heck, but I am not into games like monster hunter so the whole story is just tutorial and endgame is where the fun is at just does not resonate with me. For this game to be in development for 8 years feels like they kind of dropped the ball a little with this one. Guess I will be picking it up on sale down the line.

  5. Okay, I’m sorry but I disagree on the difficulty. Idk if its the characters you’re playing, like maybe youre playing as ranged a lot and thats easy, but this is NOT easy in the later chapters as melee.

    I’m on the last chapter on normal difficulty with no assist playing Gran through nearly all of the story, and there is some crazy shit once you hit like chapter 7.

    I’ve played plenty of action games and I’m by no means great at them but I’m not terrible either.

    Several bosses have borderline bullet hell ultimates/special attacks. Some bosses are just very difficult to position to hit in melee due to boss position + hazards and other things. I’ve had several attacks from enemies (normal mobs and bosses) with some hitbox porn.

    This Eugen fights is a poor example. For some reason you have to kill the mobs before it within a time limit, but the boss has no time limit. So ya if you play a character like Eugen that can dps from the other side of the room while ignoring 90% of attacks, you can whittle it down. But that is not a consistent experience across every character and every boss.

    There is plenty of difficulty in the later parts of the story. That said, even if I were to agree that it’s easy, I disagree that it’s an issue. Not every game is designed like a souls game where it’s constantly challenging. it’s good for some games to work like that but not every game needs that. And I say that as someone who has enjoyed both kinds of games.

  6. My thoughts on the difficulty complaint

    If i remember correctly from the fighting games in GB the difficulty for ai starts to get hard was on extreme to nightmare

    Probably if that was mentioned from early on in the story it would've be understandable for alot more people

    Because on those difficulty i got to know how a character works in a competitive environment against people in general better

    but thats just my opinion

  7. You guys don’t get it. Screw the story, if you want a story go read a book. The game is brutal at higher difficulties why? Because longevity. It’s not a pump and dump game for cry babies. Take that shit somewhere else.

    If you want a challenge, play the game. IT IS NOT EASY.

  8. Is Granblue Fantasy Relink one of those games where I have to grind by doing side quests in order to defeat a boss that’s a few levels higher than me? Like Diablo 4, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Assassin’s Creed Valhalla?

  9. This man reminds me of a freind I no longer speak to loves to sit far away from the fight with a long ranged weapon while his melee teammates are dieing then bitch about the game being too easy if we somehow manage to still win😅😂

  10. i was interested reading about the biggest complain about lv 75 raid boss.

    well, sorry for this. it isn't the late game yet. 75 only about extreme difficulty, 2 levels below Maniac and Proud Difficulty. when you reach later raids stage there's several raid mechanics that you need to observe and prevent it almost like FF14 style raids

  11. Good game just needs another 6-8 months or a dlc to be ready I think; lot of enemy models are re used with just different colors the levels aren't visually appealing and the soundtrack is lacking. Also just to easy and even the hardest end game multiplayer stuff they just have lots of HP not actually difficult or challenging.


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