My Singing Monsters – Colossals Feud & End of an Era (Cataclysm SOLVED?) (Colossals Mark #4)

Let’s finally work out what caused the END of the Dawn of Fire! 🔎

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The Monster Explorers, music:
Riles, Colossingum, Earth, and Tribal island colossal spirit:
Licoad666, plant island colossal spirit:
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0:00 Monstroglyphics
4:31 Tribal Island Kayna’s origins
8:58 What caused the cataclysm SOLVED?
11:41 How the Colossals’ forgot how to sing
12:27 The villain’s intentions & location
14:58 Tribal & Colossingum Colossal spirits
15:57 Community discussion
16:47 Credits

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Let’s delve into my, My Singing Monsters theories behind what might have caused the Continent’s cataclysm for the My Singing Monsters lore! And go into the Colossals’ lore.

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38 thoughts on “My Singing Monsters – Colossals Feud & End of an Era (Cataclysm SOLVED?) (Colossals Mark #4)”

  1. This is the finale episode. I hope you enjoy it – I think this video has my biggest theory yet on the channel!

    0:00 Monstroglyphics in My Singing Monsters Live episodes 95 – 98
    10:42 (Colossals enter to and from the Pocket Dimension in DOF) MSM Live February 2022
    11:29 MSM Live July 2022

    [everything else is based on knowledge from references in episodes 1-3]

  2. I have a few theories that a Titan caused the Cataclysm instead of a Colossal.

    Quick run down of the difference:
    Titans are not spirits imbued in the Islands they inhabit, instead they essentially are the Islands themselves. Titans have understandable names unlike Colossals. Titans are also awake.

    Here are the reasons:
    1. The four Magical Titans, Phosphora (Light Island), Cruv'laapht (Psychic Island), Faesodd (Faerie Island), and Necrull (Bone Island) take the places of the Outer Islands from Dawn Of Fire, Party Island, Space Island, Cloud Island, and Cave Island respectively.
    2. In Enchantler's (Magical Sanctum) bio, it claims it wanted to become a Colossal but failed and fled to the Pocket Dimension in the end becoming a haven for the Magical Monsters.
    3. The Island skins, Harvherd (Vegetable Medley), Sweti (Sweti Settlement), Gigacheep (Gigacheep Nest), Glubber (Glubber Lagoon), and Hahoo (Temple Of Hahoo) take the places of the Natural Islands, Plant Island, Cold Island, Air Island, Water Island, and Earth Island respectively. Note – This part might not be canon, I may need extra confirmation to see if this is canon, but the point stands nonetheless.
    4. Unlike Colossals, Titans are awake which means one could easily be encasing Kayna in the amber on Tribal Island.
    5. Titans are powerful to some extent considering their size and Enchantler's ability to travel to the Pocket Dimension unharmed.

    This leads me to the main segments of these theories.
    1. Either one of the current Titans, a new Titan, or a collective effort of Titans became jealous of the Colossals and wanted to be like them. When this proved impossible they became enraged by this a took revenge on the Colossals causing the Cataclysm. After the Outer Islands disappeared, the four Magical Titans took their places. The creature under Party Island (which is Glubber from Glubber Lagoon), ditched Party Island letting it sink into the Living Ocean so it could grow up and become Glubber Lagoon and replace Water Island in the future. The other four Titans are simply waiting for Plant Island, Cold Island, Air Island, Water Island, and Earth Island to disappear somehow so they can take their places.

    2. Enchantler wanted to become a Colossal. In it's attempts to become a Colossal it might've unintentionally caused the Cataclysm. By the time it realized it wasn't possible, the damage had been done and it saw all the chaos it caused. When it saw the Outer Islands had disappeared, it called upon Phosphora, Cruv'laapht, Faesodd, and Necrull to take their places. Fearing that the Natural Islands could disappear in the future because of what it did, it called on Havherd, Sweti, Gigacheep, Glubber, and Hahoo to prepare to take their places if such an event were to occur. Tribal Island's Kayna noticed all of this and Enchantler became afraid that if the Colossals ever awakened, that it would be punished for it's recklessness, so it encased her in amber to silence her while it asked the other Titans to keep it a secret which they agreed to. Enchantler ran away to the Pocket Dimension to hide itself in shame of what it had done. Later, during the events of the first game (The Contemporary Era), the Magical Monsters stumbled upon Enchantler and Enchantler decided to take them in and founded Magical Sanctum. This explains the somewhat somber tune of the Island as well as Enchantler's retreat to the Pocket Dimension. (I personally believe this to be the most likely theory as it makes the most sense and it would actually make for a good redemption story if they were to go that route.)

  3. This may seem outlandish, but I think I know who can be behind this.

    Whoever was incasing everybody in amber must be somebody who we don’t know a lot of. First stop, Amber island.

    ok i cant lie, This one may seem obvious. The island is NAMED amber. It’s literally the ESSENCE of the world tree. But I just put this here because I immediately think of this every time I hear the word amber-

    Jokes aside, I know what it may be.
    It just needs to be somebody that has something that would make them want to ruin everything.
    Somebody who wants to go somewhere.
    Somebody like…celestial island.

    Why would I think celestial island is the culprit? Well, celestial island just so happens to have earplugs.
    This means the colossal spirit probably couldn’t hear. Which means it couldn’t sing and harmonize.
    The colossals banished celestial island, since with no singing they’re pretty much useless.

    But where were they trying to get to?
    The prismatic gate.
    They were trying to get to the prismatic realm. Why? To get revenge on the colossals.
    So they were able to stall the colossals with amber to open up the prismatic gate.
    The gate soon gobbled up the outer islands.
    However, since celestial island was banished, they needed to learn how to transport and fully open the gate.

    Opening the gate required a lot of energy.
    What kind of energy?
    Teleportation energy.
    The more monsters that entered the gate, the more teleportation energy is required.

    That links to the cataclysm.

    But MPG said that the colossal spirit is still alive!
    Well, yes. Celestial island’s spirit is probably doing all the devious little things.

    but whatever I think that’s it ok bye
    (mpg i hope you see this)

  4. Hey wait a minute
    Complex hidden lore.
    A story that spans across multiple games.
    And a powerful golden entity that has a hard time moving with cryptic lore implications.
    Someone get matpat.

  5. I have a theory on whos the evil collosal , when Msmpoke said the 2 option if the option 2 was the one then it must be the mirror island collosal maybe they dont accept that theyre world is broken or OPTION 1 WHAT IF THERES ANOTHER DIMENSION OF MY SINGING MONSTER WORLD AND THIS SPECIFIC DIMENSION COLLOSALS DONT HAVE THE ABILTY TO BE ABLE TO TELEPORT AROUND DIMENSION but tho i have other theory … so reading one of the wublins desc there is a human world that blipsquek can hear? I forgot like acces , SO WHAT IF WHILE BLIPSQUEK IS TRYING TO GET ITS SONG PART THEY HAVE GOT NOTICED IT APPEAR AT THEYRE WORLD EITHER BY A RADAR OR WHAT , SO THEY TRY TO FIND AWAY TO GO THERE AND MUST HAVE SEND A HUMAN THERE TO SEE BUT THEN THE HUMAN DIED BUT THEY KNOW THERES A THING CALLED COLLOSALS , SO THEY MADE THEYRE OWN COLLOSAL🙃

    alright for that one it might be stupid , but for my stupid brain its not but i know it must be wrong but yea and theyre collosal is evil i dont know

  6. THEORY: The evil colossal is the composer colossal, he (I’ll name him Beethope=Beethoven+hope) wanted to give monsters free will to sing, other colossals saw this was dangerous, Beethope got angry, very angry, so angry he turned evil plotted the entire cataclysm to find a place to put his free will plan into action, long story short it work, the colossal forgot everything, he pretended to, he found composer island and THATS why he’s awake. DUN DUN DUUUUUU!

  7. Вряд ли кто-то переведёт и поймёт этот комментарий, но я считаю что злым колоссом является остров небожителей. Тот самый колосс, на голову которого упал Стархендж. Он является единственным колоссом с заткнутыми ушами и, возможно, именно он невзлюбил музыку и решил положить конец эпохе рассвета огня.


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