My Pioneer Lotus Field Combo Decklist

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10 thoughts on “My Pioneer Lotus Field Combo Decklist”

  1. In my version I’ve stuck with winning via Approach of the Second Sun, just because I prefer that to the Chandra line personally, though I think Chandra might be better, and I don’t love the untapping creatures very much since you need to play them before you combo and won’t do much on the turn you go off, but I get why they would be played. I also wanted to make my deck a little different from the traditional stock list, so I’ve been playing 3 copies of Wish and one Ultimatum in my sideboard, which I’ve liked since it basically means I have 6 copies of it main deck and helps helps against Stone Brain effects, which had been pretty relevant for me.

  2. A lot of people completely dropped the approach wincon and are purely on the looping chandra's last ability to win gameplan. Since you have approach and chandra, you probably don't need lair, but if you go down to only one of those you should probably slot in lair of the hydra for some wincon redundancy. Pro's of chandra is that having mastermind in hand on a turn you aren't comboing off feels super clunky but you can often just play chandra, kill an enemy creature or two to stabalize then go off next turn with her copy effect. Cons are that winning with chandra means you basically need omniscience in play since it takes so much mana to do the loop plus chandra wincon needs the graveyard so is weaker to graveyard hate.


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