My Former Union Local Is On Strike

Here and there I’ve shared parts of my life with you.
And now I want to share this one.
My former union local is on strike.
Local 900. Love those people over there.
I can speak from first hand experience, working on the line beside them, that those folks are some of the best there is in manufacturing. From safety to quality, it’s job 1.
So unions, stand strong!
On the corporate side, be fair.
There must be a balance.
I’m not saying that I agree with everything that is being asked for but this is pivotal.
So we take this to the Lord.
He says to cast our cares upon Him.
1 Peter 5:7
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
We care about this so we should take this before Him.

Here’s the links to my channels on You Tube, Spotify, Telegram and Rumble:
You Tube


28 thoughts on “My Former Union Local Is On Strike”

  1. My husband works in the auto industry, that is not in a union. I am thankful to the Lord that he doesn't work for any of these companies, but I will pray for those that are affected.

  2. Ty, thank you for your continued witness to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. These union matters, while earthly matters, are important as you say. The Lord despises unfair balances in earthly justice and other matters. May blessings be upon you today and the rest of the days of this earthly life brother!

  3. It's all part of them plowing us under. They are undoing this country and others, from the inside out and they have done this for a long time now. In fact, i'm increasingly convinced this country was made to be the spear of the NWO.

  4. Пожалуйста помолитесь за Фалилеева Сергея – за Барбинского Александра Александровича – за Барбинскую Алесю Александровну и за Шустова Николая – Прошу помолиться за их Спасение пожалуйста и Божьих Вам Всем Благословения алилуя"Аминь!

  5. Some say you are, lord some say, you are, God, some say you are, Jesus son say you are a great prophet. Ahhhhhh, who do you say I am/he is.

    He is Yahuw the eternal Savior King, YahsArel, the son(authority) of the Almighty father of all creation. Blessed, are you Doc for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but YAHuwah my father, who is in the Shamiyaim . It is upon this confession. This declaration that I will build my called out ones.Cahal and the gates of Sheol will not prevail against them. I will give you the keys of the kingdom.

    The word “church” has a complicated history. It is probably derived from Old English “cirice,” which in turn came from the German “kirika,” which likely came from the Greek “kuriake,” which means “of the Lord.” Some scholars dispute this, saying that our English word derives from the Anglo-Saxon “kirke,” which in turn comes from the Latin “circus” (meaning “circle” or “ring”) because early congregants gathered in a circle.
    Somehow, the idea that the words “church” and “circus” are related seems fitting.

    No read Matthew 16 with this new understanding and revelation

  6. Brother TG… your family is gorgeous —just like you. Thank you for personalizing this so we can connect with you under His guidance. So many of God’s children and their families are affected by these remarkable times and storms —and we all stick together in the Body of Jesus. I never miss your videos because they strengthen and inspire wise understanding. When I pray for wisdom, I know I am praying for you and the messages you share. Please…keep going Brother. Sending your family and all of these families so much love from coastal Alabama. Our Father, God, is still on His Throne and He hears and sees ALL of this. Can’t wait to meet you one day. Maranatha.

  7. Not just what you were Saying, but the Pictures you gave of folks reading their bibles and praying,
    got me back into my bible after some season of putting it down for various reasons. Thanks!

  8. “I bring My righteousness near, it shall not be far off; My salvation shall not linger. And I will place salvation in Zion, For Israel My glory.“ says the Lord

    God is in the process of MIGA! Israel!

    but the land of the Gentiles is being cut off….

    “For if God did not spare the natural branches, He may not spare you either. Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness,

    if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you also will be cut off.

    And they also, if they do not continue in unbelief, will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again.”

    For if you were cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and were grafted contrary to nature into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, who are natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree?”

    “The elect righteous of the eternal plant of righteousness,
    To receive sevenfold instruction concerning all His creation.”


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