My First Time Playing Guts & Blackpowder After Months (Part 1) | Meet Sergeant Sku

There was a malfunction in Blood And Iron’s respawn machine that had a 60% chance of turning whoever respawns in the next round into a zombie (Its eternity in there.) This time Sergeant “Chews On Carrots” Sku gets his Blundy Buster and a Former Artillery Officer Howie “Howitzer” Dog aka @wolfer51 joins him on his quest to get on a boat in SAN S E B A S T I A N.


This game is unfinished.

Guts & Blackpowder is a game taking place during the Napoleonic Wars with the undead zombie masses rising from the ground. A group of survivors must hold out against the horde, only armed with muskets and swords.
Inspired By Blood & Iron

Outro: Devil Dogs – Sabaton
Music Used:

0:00 Introduction
0:25 Just some yappin’
1:07 Bombing Wall Part
2:11 Video Referencing
2:30 Haybale
3:28 The Morphine Pac-man Theory
3:51 Why Is He Called Sergeant Sku?
4:27 Sergeant Sku’s Last Stand
5:29 Outro


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