My Favorite Game is out of EA | Ep25: The Heavens Gave us a Blessing | Card Survival Tropical Island

Card Survival: Tropical Island just got out of Early Access. With all the features in place it is time to explore the Island once more. First Series will be a chill Vanilla Perkless run but we will step it up from there. Sit back, relax and enoy the show!


6 thoughts on “My Favorite Game is out of EA | Ep25: The Heavens Gave us a Blessing | Card Survival Tropical Island”

  1. Not the bees! NOT THE BEES!!

    Also can you give some guide reference maybe I have missed it or I just skipped over it or something but I'm trying to assess how many water reservoirs or how much water should I prep for each month because obviously you have your normal season then you have your rainy season and your dry season I'm curious as to what you would consider a safe amount of like water reservoirs or containers or whatever ever


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