My Etsy A.I Shop Is Failing … What I Am Doing To Fix It

In this video I am going over my biggest mistakes selling on Etsy AI-generated images and how I am going to fix my mistakes.

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0:00 What’s going on?
1:20 My Background
2:00 My Biggest Mistake
2:56 My Etsy Challenge
3:30 My Best Month
4:34 Solution
5:01 Second Mistake
5:56 Quality
6:27 Solution 2
8:00 Competition


47 thoughts on “My Etsy A.I Shop Is Failing … What I Am Doing To Fix It”

  1. I kind of got that vibe when watching your Etsy AI Art selling tutorial video. I think the idea of 2 listings per day further cemented that view for me. It takes me around 4 hours to generate, edit, and upload a set of 20 images, and I’m pretty proficient in photoshop. I was surprised you were pumping out 2 sets in 2 hours.

    Interested to see what impact this new philosophy change has on your shop in the coming months.

  2. Was working on etsy clipart shop, got first sell as well with only two listings. But suddenly got banned permanently from etsy. They said one account of yours is already suspended which have similar details like this one. I was not aware about that so my bad luck. In short I can not sell on Etsy for lifetime!

  3. Recently been getting sales after optimizing and learning more about Etsy SEO and switching over my niche. I have about 25 sales after 6 weeks.

  4. Great Video! so you said quality over quantity, meaning quality is, the dpi, transparent background, & you said dimensions, what’s the ideal dimensions we should make our pictures ?

  5. Who would have thought that making good quality digital content is what people are looking for instead of poorly quality ones? How are you going to use said products if they are unusable? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 As someone who buys digital products for work I would personally never touch anything digital on Etsy. Having said that. It took me months to upload my products on Etsy because I know my niche and there are a lot of people who seek what I make on etsy and well, it's been ok. I'm not relying on advertising to make sales, just use the ads to gain visibility but if you pick a niche that is bloated like selling random patterns or images, you are doomed if you make generic images.

  6. I'm a newb too but I was surprised when you said previously you didn't use transparent background given the nature of what these images are used for, good to hear you are on the right path now. Btw we made exactly the same mistake in terms of quantity. Great content keep it up.

  7. love your videoes 🙂 growing at the same time with you , Just crossed 1000 sales .
    I agree on transparent i start doing it last week , but i think there is a demand for white background Jpgs as well , i see shops offering transparent 1 month before me and i still make more sales , but quality and price is a big factor in AI images , not many people know that its Ai generated , but market is full of it , everykid can write water color Cat and get a good image out of it but if we offer more than that kid thats when you stand out , so PhotoShop Skills is helping me i suggest the others also to learn and use it .

  8. Clipart is the new Printable Wallart 🙁 ive been following you for months and have seen a significant increase in clipart sellers doing up to 100+ images per bundle for dirt cheap prices. Its now a race to the lowest price unfortunately, even if you sell heaps of volume theres barely enough revenue to be made to cover Midjourney, Etsy Ads, Photoshop/Canva subscription. When the barriers of entry for sellers are low, people will flock. Yes you can make sales, but its just a much harder grind to be more profitable.

  9. Started selling ai art on etsy. Bundles of 20 images with a transparent background and upscaled much like you did in photoshop. Then the first sale I get I get a three star rating but no comment/reason why. How am I supposed to know if I am providing quality if the upscale is good/transparency etc then…what :S

  10. When I did an everbee search today it seemed most of the things selling in digital art were all customized pieces. I know you stay generic, but I wonder if the time has come with over saturation that you MUST customize to sell? Thanks

  11. Thank you for another great video Patryk. You inspired me to start my Etsy journey and now within the first nine days i've made my first two sales. This information will help me to provide better value for future customers and make more sales for me 🙂 Also I am considering to start advertising soon, but now with this new information i might just focus on getting a couple more quality listings up before launching the ads.

  12. Yeah Anyone can generate an Image now, but to truly stand out, you have to put some elbow grease in. 🙂 Transparent backgrounds are more versatile and can be used on many products. Do you plan to do anything else than upscaling the quality and removing background?

  13. Patryk, you have inspired me to establish and operate a digital store on Etsy.

    It is only because you are as transparent as you have been that you have convinced me that this is a worthy endeavor. And the fact that you have boldly made this video to update us on your progress, and the lessons you are learning from your 'nooby' mistakes, is greatly appreciated.

    As with all things:

    Things that are thought 'easy' … are not necessarily the easiest things to do .

  14. I made a store after viewing some of your videos on that whole AI thing and most notably your step by step guide; made 9 sales in 11 days but at very low prices and spending way too much on ads. I was allready suspecting that working on improving the quality of the pics generated and only advertising my best performing products may help bring more sales, so I'm confident this is the right way to go now.

  15. i LOVE the timing of me seeing this!! I just watched your amazing A-Z tutorial and as a POD Etsy Shop owner, I was shocked that you stated you didn't do the transparent backgrounds, but figured COOL!! But I'm really glad to see this and totally agree! It's so wise to pivot when you see you need to. That's what I'm doing. I love my passion project POD shops, but it's just not taking off and I'm repurposing one of them to do Digital Art. I'm hopeful that this will work for me. Thank you for your content!

  16. Wow, this video is saying everything I said in a comment on another of your videos a while back. Am I the person you had this 'chat' with? 😉 Glad to see you seeing the light, you won't regret shifting focus towards quality and repeat buyers.

  17. Wow, Im glad you posted this because it confirmed what I was starting to feel: AI is so cool, but it needs tweaking, specifically for a good png clipart image. It would still take time even though AI helps a lot. So as Im sitting here doing the math I realize making a good digital download AI product would be a HUGE bundle, dirt cheap, and GREAT quality. Not a feat for all.

    I also discovered something useful for coloring page lines and cutting out backgrounds. This little free app for android called "vector artist" I have noodled around with for years. I JUST realized recently the "free draw" option lets you use a stylus or your finger and draw a line BUT sort of like auto aim in goldeneye 64, it "knows" what line you are trying to trace and then "snaps it" along that line. So if you bring that line into photoshop to make fancy strokes for a coloring book or a border to cut out backgrounds for PNGs, I find it is very quick and useful.

    Good luck with everything man this vid affirmed what I believed! It would take a LONG time to make a good product, but in the long run, like a long term investment, patience probably pays off

  18. Listening to a sincerity from a european guy on YouTube is so refreshing. If I decide to open an Etsy account, it'll for sure be because of this YT channel Patryk. Much greetings from Croatia! 🌊🌞😉

  19. I agree with what you said. Also, it takes time for a new listing to be rank in organic research, so keep those listing you made, reduce the bundle by removing bad quality images. It can sells in the futur, who knows, or you can sell them for a cheap price since they have backgrounds. And focus on quality for the next listings ! Also a thing i did on my shop, I sell service to remove backgrounds, so people they buy the listing + the background remover (only 5% of my listings does have background but it works, and once you did it for someone, you can add a listing version without background) well that's just an idea 😉 I'm looking forward your next update's video !

  20. Quantity can help you experiment and identify what are keywords are working, but quality is what help you stand out from the others.

    With so many selling AI tutorial on YouTube now, I can only assume that it’s even more competitive so yeah quality is definitely important.

  21. I have been following your tactics but felt the need to have chat gpt add "white back ground. Clip rt" to my prompts and then just running them through photoshop. Makes the quality crazy. But in am looking for a better way ton deliver than a link to an accessible doc file, but soem kind of repository with limted access

  22. when you mentioned Chinese suppliers, you sounded kinda condescending, and I dont know why. If you know how to work with them, you can actually upscale your business by quite a lot. In fact, those local print on demand companies are quite expensive to be honest, especially with Redbubble's recent change, who starts to take 90% of the sale's revenue out of an artist. Of course as a starter, print on demand is a great start coz you can't really talk to bulk suppliers and upscale your business yet, but it's not the reason why you should make “made in china” stuff sound like ""from god knows where". they are literally everywhere, and i'm sure you can find a lot of them at your own home too. So why would you say something like this to upset your chinese viewers. you and those who go with chinese suppliers are not necessarily in competition, and you might one day get to that point to upscale your business. I appreciate all your advice but this particular thing sounds really off-putting, borderline racist already. and yes, I'm chinese, so nobody has the position to tell me that i should not feel offended.

  23. wow.. after a few days ago I saw your video about creating a shop on etsy and was intrigued by the idea of only sticking to a white background,
    in my will save a lot of time..

    but after watching this video and you said that it one of your biggest mistake make me thinking about it,
    definitely it takes time and a lot of effort, not as easy as it seems at first.

    but if you don't try, you won't know

    thank you for inspiring and success always

  24. I'm so glad you said that. When you first said in some of your videos that it takes 20 minutes for one listing a couldn't belive it, it takes me whole day to put only 3 listings per day (I'm offering PNG and SVG too). Only because I didn't want to sell people images with background, every keyword I search on etsy everyone is offering at least PNG or SVG.

  25. I am glad you realized that early. As I have already warned you, with my comment on your other video here ( ). Many people are trying to do everything fast, they get super excited and they generate Hundreds of digital Ai assets thinking they will make a lot of money quickly. So on my comment i told you that, by being lazy and not removing the white background, or sucrifice a signficant time to edit your cliparts and art in photoshop, people will realize that sooner or later, when they open your zip files to use your cliparts, that you are selling to them very "Low quality" useless image/products. People who are buying images are not stupid. And they will Never ever return back to your Shop to buy again. once they reject you, it is finished. I see many people are doing this. They keep uploading and uploading, and uploading so fast, Ai art images, stickers, cliparts, etc… but they ignore the dangers of this later on. One day they will realize it and they will regret it, as you did now. And there is not easy way after to delete all these listings you uploaded to Etsy, in order to edit, correct and upload them back again. All of the past listings, will affect negatively your newer ones. I am giving you my advice as a professional graphic designer. And not only as a designer. Generally if you sell to people and you want them to COME BACK again for more, then Quality is a must priority. Better if you have less but high-end products. I saw many Ai generated images in Stock websites, that when you Zoom out on those, you will see low quality, artifacts everywhere, imperfections, and glitches in their images. The majority of people will loose the game if they continue to do that. Ai images are never perfect. They always need editing. And especially if you sell to Artists, designers, photographers, etc, who have their eyes trained on details and imperfections, then they will reject your products. After all people are buying Png images that have no backgrounds, to use them in their invitations and cards, right away. Not all people know how to remove backgrounds. Buyers when they buy something, it is the same as if someone has ordered to eat fish without bones.


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