MW3 Zombies Is Just The Beginning…

This is a very interesting time in the zombies community…is it exciting? HELL YEAH!

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MWZ, Modern Warfare Zombies, Cod zombies, Will MWZ be good, Modern warfare Zombies, Everything we know about MW3 zombies, Cod, Call of duty zombies, Mastery camos in MW3, Gulf War, Black ops gulf war, Cod 2024, Vanguard zombies, Round based MW3 Zombies


17 thoughts on “MW3 Zombies Is Just The Beginning…”

  1. This is fully expected since leaks are saying that 2024 is Black Ops , then 2025 is basically "Black Ops 2", with remakes of all the old BO2 maps. Apparently this is something COD wants to do regularly for awhile (basically releasing the same game two years in a row, with map remakes for the second game).

  2. Personally i am all for it HOWEVER that seems like 3 years of zombies would severely strain the zombies dev team to the brink and i do fear that would cause multiple years if not indefinite lack luster experiences. I really hope im wrong though.

  3. I definitely think MW3 is the true start of something, but unfortunately not something good. It will sell millions, which will reaffirm to Activision that moving forward, they can put zero effort in, throw stuff together and cut and paste, and it will still be successful. This game will be the poster child for that. Recycled maps up the wahzoo, and the DMZ mode with zombies running around.

  4. Naaah bro. Your all wrong. Nobody is playimg this bs after BO zombies drops 2024 with the round base again . This is letover bs they threw together. This is a time killer and that it. Dont get that twisted

  5. Listen i aint playing mwz shi looks wack asf to me but yall can enjoy it. But if 2024 zombies is the same shit like cold war and not interesting in the slightest zombies is dead to me. I been playing zombies since waw when i was 8 and ill tell everyone new here. The reason why the og community or hardcore zombie players are pissed off is because we are being talked to and treated like we dont matter and we are just dumb asf. Thats why we mad its not just outbreak and mwz because if the story was actually good we will be playing the game. This dark arther story is trash and boring as hell. We just feel like after we legit carried and grew the community from a small campaign map in waw. What im worried about tho that if this mwz really blows up and honestly it might blow up cause warzone and mp players are gonna play it to get xp for guns. Its why outbreak was so big just saying facts here. But if this blows up then i feel like round based is just gonna get no spot light and just be forgotten. Cause activision follows the money no matter who in charge they a business. Players continue to pay for these half finished products, overpriced bundles and shallow games and then wonder why certain ips are going backwards. Yall enjoy zombies this year cause i cant tell that this gonna be a waste of time and money for me personally. Ill wait for 2024 and hope that shit good. Till then single player games are really good rn.

    Ps zombies chronicles 2 yea they can cancel that in my eyes cause its
    One way over due
    Two the modding community is already making it on bo3
    And three unless the gameplay goes back to bo3 or bo4 movement them maps gonna feel like crap with this mw2019 movement. One thing i hate about the current zombies is that every game since cod2019 feels the exact same including zombies. I hate the feeling of playing mp in zombies


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