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23 thoughts on “Musk Suing OpenAI – TO SAVE HUMANITY”

  1. Yes! He has Cancer 'Sun in the First House' and 'Mercury in the First House' a definite Entrepreneur Engineer of technology and space-craft, Gemini Ascendant 'BOSS' energy, with analytical (Mercury-ruled) Virgo Moon, Mars in Aquarius in the Tenth House featuring BIG TIME STATUS IN FUTURE SPACE-CRAFT AND SATELLITES, and task-master Saturn in (Mercury-ruled) Gemini, so he builds rockets, businesses, language, excessive partnerships, talking, Tweeting, competition, fighting, sparring, etc. AND SO MUCH MORE!

    Wanna have more intellectual fun and understanding? Study his Natal Astrology Chart for all the good details. ⚡️ Love your content.

  2. Eli returns as the “old Whitman whisperer”. All his big world knowledge is based on conversations with some gajillionaire that looked like Sam Elliot. Blow on his nose like a wild horse and he tells you the secrets of the real world not understood by the ordinary unwashed masses.

  3. I understand being skeptical of AI doomers who also run businesses trying to hype up how important AI might be, and the fact that dangerous equals important, but what do you make of AI researchers who seem to be worried? There's a dude with the last name of Hinton, I think. What's the motivation of these people?

  4. After watching the dealbook summit with Elon as a guest, I realised he is not straightforward. Man says he is in attendance only because the interviewer is a long time friend, but could not remember the interviewer's name.

  5. Excellent analysis by Eli 👉♥️

    I especially loved the part where you talk about how ridiculous these dumb ass post modernist Silicon Valley arrogant fools have become, in thinking that they own some kind of license to be the moral decision makers for the rest of humanity! I'm completely with Eli here… In that I don't know if I trust any of these modern day silicon valley CEOs and technology folks. Frankly they all kinda terrify me in their own ways because as Eli (and some of us Tech Vets from many decades being in the industry know)… "Power corrupts, and Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely "

    So I highly doubt any of these clowns actually have the best interest of every day humanity in mind. To them and their arrogant egotistic way of running the world, we're just toy soldiers waiting to be conquered by their crazy fantasies of how our reality should be. But who is to say that corporations and these pompous CEOs and tech giants have been shaping our lives in the right direction over the years. Just look at all this cloud nonsense going on in IT world nowadays, and you quickly realize how much more complicated things have gotten.

    Also, I wanted to say (as an IT Pro myself and an Android software engineer)… That I also find this notion of AI (or AGI) destroying humanity (and every sign of life in the universe) to be completely ludicrous! I think this fear mongering is mainly created by these jack asses out of their own greedy desires to control society and also deal with their own inner power struggles (like we see here between Elon Musk and Open AI). I don't buy any of it.

    Think about it folks… If AGI is supposed to be many orders of magnitude more intelligent than your average human beings… Then why on earth would they need to kill all of us just to accomplish their tasks (which would be designed to be in-line with the morality and ethics of society and the very people that create and control such entities – namely us humans). Would the developers of AGI systems be so stupid that they would create some kind of "Power Off" or "Reset" kind of protocols (or features) such that if an AGI system started to show some signs of danger to humanity… That someone sitting somewhere with a remote control device couldn't reset the system (or at least power off the Neural network) until we got things back in order? If if such contingency planning and emergency recourse protocols are not being considered as part of such future AGI systems, then would you even trust or endorse any of this research (let alone all these Silicon Valley clowns who purported to be working on our behalf).

    I don't know about you guys out there and how you analyze all this AI madness (and the future of humanity) but I think when we hear these CEOs warn us about the end of humanity as being a very likely possibility… Then it seems that our immediate reaction and concern should be to hold the creators / founders of such technology highly accountable and really grill them on why they only emphasize the dangers, without any reassurances to the general public about what sorts of contingency (emergency) shut-off (reset) systems they plan to implement? It seems to me like No one ever seems to talk about these simple considerations whenever they talk about such technology with these dooms day (apocalyptic) views, and it just seems so contrived and twisted?

    I mean mankind has invented many many technologies and weapons of mass destruction which had far greater likelihood of wiping the entire face of mankind and civilization off the face of the earth in a matter of hours (try nuclear bombs for example). Yet here we are and we managed somehow to not wipe each other off the planet!

    Is it not laughable to think that some massive army of AGI robots would not (could not) have some human operators (sitting remotely somewhere and simply able to press that button to put an end to whatever these AGIs were doing that was not aligned with their intended purpose or design?) This is ludicrous and I don't believe such doom and gloom talk about AGI. I think it's just used as a tool in these power struggles regarding which company (and greedy individuals) will be the owners of such an important and helpful innovation!

    I feel like Elon Musk realizes that he may have missed out on the incredible progress OpenAI has made in his absence, and he's trying to use the moral argument of humanity being at risk, to fool everyone into believing that OpenAI has become a renegade and highly dangerous company that is putting all of our lives at stake!

    It's absurd and no half way intelligent human being should ever buy this horseshit. So I'm definitely with Eli on this point as well.

    Ps. I critique and say all this as a prominent software engineer on Google Play Store!

    My product on Google Play is called:

    EZ Notes – Notes Voice Notes
    By Alexander Madani

    I've been working on it for a decade and we love all the support we can get for our efforts. The App is free to try but my team (and myself as the product founder) rely on public funding through subscriptions, to continue making our software even more amazing over time.

    I hope you guys reading this can help support EZ Notes and thereby send a loud and clear message to giant corporations that independent developers deserve to be supported and can often innovate in ways that not even giant companies can sometimes do.

    Thank you all for supporting my work, and thank you dear Eli for all your awesome content as a technologist yourself! I've been a fan of yours for many years if not decades… Because it was through all your awesome courses on Active Directory and Servers, that I learned to become better at IT

    Keep up the great content

    Kind Regards
    Alexander Madani
    Developer of:

    EZ Notes – Notes Voice Notes
    (available exclusively for
    Android on Google Play


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