Murder in an Uber – Troublemakers


49 thoughts on “Murder in an Uber – Troublemakers”

  1. Last year I took an Uber in DC from a very nice gentlemen and his very next ride, that he accepted while dropping me off, was two teenagers girls who robbed and attempted to car jack him and while trying to steal the car, they to tried throw him out but he held on to it refusing to let go and they ended up running him over and crashing into a bunch of other cars then a fire hydrant and as he laid bleeding, a crowd gathered around the two girls bc they were attempting to run away and all they kept asking for was their phones and screaming to give them their phones or let them get them from the car and getting pissed off and complaining about the people “holding them against their will because they didn’t even do nothin”!as the man they ran over was literally bleeding at their feet. They even tried to lie and say he tried to kidnap and rape them but their dumb asses didn’t know he had a camera. The footage is on YouTube.

    I just couldn’t believe someone could do that to anyone so nice and let alone two 14 year olds. So I don’t blame these drivers for carrying or being paranoid

  2. So the Uber driver understood the assignment? You get the right to keep and bear arms, that comes with a responsibility to protect yourself your people and perfect strangers if they are in a life threatening situation.

  3. I had one. He was an overweight man with thick glasses. His car was a mess. He was silent, I asked how his day was and he snapped and said "I DONT TALK TO PASSENGERS!" I tried really hard not to laugh. I carry a knife and can fight so I wasn't too worried about him being a phyco. He was very odd though. It was a quiet 30 min ride. 😂

  4. I have a feeling the driver has fabricated this story. Ubers policy doesn't allow for the drivers to be armed so while he legally could carry i have a hard time believing that Uber still allowed him to drive for them after smoking 2 passengers. There was a famous case of a driver protecting himself but he was done working for Uber even though he was cleared of any criminal charges Uber still saw it as a violation of their policy. More than just Uber their insurance carriers /risk management people won't allow them to carry because of course they are worried more about losing money in a lawsuit than they are about driver safety


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