MTG x 40k – Tyranid Commander Deck Previews

A look at my favourite cards from the new Warhammer 40,000 Universes Beyond decks for Commander.

Muddstah’s full and thematic reveal video:

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49 thoughts on “MTG x 40k – Tyranid Commander Deck Previews”

  1. The haruspex is a mana dork because the haruspex is one of the tyranid bioforms that eats up a bunch of biomass during an invasion, it then spews it all up into one of the pools at the base of the big capillary towers (The tubes like those on the island art) that then pumps it up to the ships, basically they binge and purge biomass (which is basically what mana seems to represent for the tyranid deck)

  2. I think the best way, thematically, to think about Nid ramps is:

    They spread the Tyranid genetic influence throughout the worlds they infest. Sporocysts transform the terrain into organic hives. Genestealers infect local organisms with viral genetic code. Haruspex devour other lifeforms to adapt and grow, and then reprocess the biomass for use by the swarm, like mother birds feeding their young.

  3. I am hyped for the decks, but not because i play warhammer. I tried to get my brother into Magic and now with the new Warhmmer decks he wants to play the game.

  4. I like the idea of the deck but I feel that the implementation could be better. It is way too chunky – there are a lot of huge creatures but too few ways to provide extra mana or make them cheaper. It could work with animar-style commander but current face commander doesn't really help his own deck. Also I hoped that tyranid mechanic would involve fighting enemy creatures instead of giving you a card as it is more in tune with being ravenous.

  5. I've been a Temur player for years, and a Tyranid player for even longer. This deck is hitting all the right buttons for me. Timmy/Johnny chonky monster combos, good ramp, and lots of fun synergy to experiment with, all with the impeccable flavor or my favorite bugs!

    This deck is a home run for me, and I can't wait to pick one up even though I've been boycotting GW lately (by which I mean Games Workshop, not Selesnya).

  6. I have no clue what the 40K lore is, but these precons are sweet so far! I really hope that Ravenous finds its way outside of Universes Beyond because it is such a sweet keyword.

  7. Still waiting for my UNO/MTG crossover wizards! Think of all the UNO players you can get interested in magic! No crosover would be more successful than an UNO crossover, players will love pulling an UNO REVERSAL on a players fireball. Make it happen wizards!

  8. Im not fussed for warhammer, but seeing your reaction im all about. Cant say im aware of lore but fun to get see a Warhammer fans reaction to it and share what you know.

  9. I feel like WotC really missed the flavor of the 40k factions when they printed these decks. Abaddon is known for being indestructible, so let's not give him indestructible. Tyranid are known for swarming, so let's give them +1/+1 counters. Space Marines are known for being fearless, carrying big-ass guns, and wearing some of the toughest armor, so let's have Marneus make tokens.
    Still, the Tyranid deck, while it doesn't FEEL like Tyranid to me, does have some mechanics I would love to play with, so I might have to get that one.

  10. Once upon a time a decade or so ago i dropped roughly $150 on a Tyranid army. I painted some of it, played half of a game for 2 hrs then never touched it again. I love the Tyranid lore though so this'll be an absolute must have for me even though big stompy monsters isn't really my playstyle.

  11. I'm late, but Vince, the Haruspex being a manadork is actually not a miss! Haruspex is one of the feeder bioforms of the Tyranids (just also happens to be real nasty in combat) so it's main goal is to actually collect biomass to then vomit into the digestion pools. Just how this grows as stuff dies and then dumps mana into your mana pool!

  12. I played Fantasy back in the mid 2000's in school and near the end started to explore 40k, and Tyranids were my immediate first choice. I am beyond hyped for this deck.

    My brother also did a bit of 40k and played Necrons, so I'm totally going to get that deck too and use it as fuel for my attempts to get him into Magic!

  13. 3:46
    I'm a nid player, not a genestealer cult player, so I may be wrong, but I think it's the opposite of what you described.

    The first generation of cult members are very tyranid like, and become LESS tyranid like in appearance each generation to better infiltrate the populations. Close to the final stage of infiltration cult members can be near indistinguishable from their origional host species.

    However, once the cult reaches a critical mass the next generation after that actually results in purestrain genestealers, starting the cycle all over

  14. I haven't played Warhammer since I was a teen and I've been trying to stay away from buying precons because of their new prices but by the Four-Armed Emperor, as an old Tyrannid player this deck has got me weak at the scything talons.

  15. I'm surprised Tyranids are red, green and blue and not blue, green and black. Honestly if Tyranids were Sultai colors and the counter strategies man the green black constrictor would be amazing with it.

  16. Tbf, if the point of the sporocyst is to terraform a planet in order to make it more habitable for tyranids it would make sense for it to ramp you via lands, as it's "terraforming" the battlefield and making it more "habitable" for your tyranids, allowing more and larger ones to populate the field. Seems like a flavor win imho

  17. I like Warhammer 40k, but I feel like we are sacrificing uniqueness of MTG for the sake of… no idea. There are pseudo Tyranids in MTG, they are called slivers. I like slivers, I like MTG, I like Warhammer 40k, I dont need to have everything at once. I like calmari, I like mushrooms and I like cake. However, calamari-mashroom-cake does not need be made.

  18. I used to play tyranids until they redid the Codex and all of my units kind of became obsolete I didn't have the money to get new stuff so I dropped the game pretty much I love the fact that your needs are coming into this I'm intending to buy one of each of the decks and a foiled version of the tyranids

  19. So just something I've realised now but "Exocrine" is technically a boardwipe you can tutor with both Imperial Recruiter & Recruiter of the Guard. In Commander i think that's pretty cool and while I'm not up to date on my Legacy it might see play as a one of in some big red or Boros D&T kinda things?


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