Mt. Shasta, Lumeria, and The 7 races of Man w/ Amanda Roudels

Mt. Shasta, Lumeria, and The 7 races of Man w/ Amanda

Live Monday-Friday Nights [] (station) [](show site) [] (members)

Tonight we discuss the upcoming magick event Contact at the Cabin hosted by the
Grimerica crew. I begin discussing Mt. Shasta its mysteries and Lumeria and what
Manly P. Hall describes as the root races and the 7 races of the evolution of
man. As it starts to get a little strange Amand calls in to help explain Manly’s
paper and we discuss how it could be possible for spirit and matter to come
together in this way of evolutional alchemy and how it could be a simulation.
This gets super interesting and weird but it was def a fun show!
Don’t miss the event get your tickets here!

Wed Jan 04 2023

Lighting The Void

A show for the truth seeker. Listen as we try to bridge the gap between the
paranormal and the real. Host Joe Rupe is on the path of finding fact from
fiction, with awesome guests and the phone lines are open no screening. one part
Spirit one part Science. Subjects include ufology, conspiracy, paranormal,
cryptids, conspiracy, astral travel, obe, nde, ancient knowledge, esoteric,
occult and aliens of course.

The Fringe FM


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