Mrs. Pibb | CushVlog 05.25.23 | Chapo Trap House

Topics: White House Plumbers show, Gulf war trading cards
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32 thoughts on “Mrs. Pibb | CushVlog 05.25.23 | Chapo Trap House”

  1. Currently enlisted. Most troops are support and not blowing stuff & people away. Even the door-kickers, murderers and machine combatants I think are just paying for school, doing their careers and in general finding a safe economic position. It’s just that those not fellow-traveling buy into our American religion/mythos. The door-kickers are also just the more risk-taking & “I wanna feel like a tough big man” kinda person. Common humanity and education about the true nature of contemporary life globally are little valued in a system meant to prop up our US economy and rule over other nations.

  2. The Amiriyah shelter bombing was a war crime, killing up to 1500 people, and was Raytheon's handiwork. So precice and effective. We must also thank Lockheed and those brilliant minds at Skunk Works for the F-117 Nighthawk, without a steath fighter there's no way we could have torched all those civilan targets. Heaven forbid they're able to shoot back, that would look bad on TV.

  3. These regular talks are orgasmic, like doing lines of Chris Hedges after work. It provides a good deal of catharsis, perspective, and historical insight as modernity crumbles, and society is tearing itself apart.

  4. I think I would prefer the Chigurh treatment after a life of chilling in the forest canopy than a life of being tortured in a steel pen, barely big enough to fit your body, with your own shit up to your ankles being kept alive by a cocktail of antibiotics and steroids until the day your hauled off, while being kicked and hit in order to corral you and your prison comrades into a meat grinder, hearing the anguished cries and screams of those before you before the knife finally comes. God help you if you’re destined to be halal meat, hung upside down and slowly bled out. I wouldn’t wish the life of a factory farm animal on the worst war criminal.

  5. Factor in Covid brain and cardiovascular damage and we’re in for interesting times, with a lot of underpowered minds contending with global apocalypse level problems. What a time to be alive for now!


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