Moving To Hawaii – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

You will always hear people say “Paradise is not always Paradise” and that is especially true in moving to Hawaii! But the beaches, sunsets, Aloha spirit and tropical breezes tell a different story. We want to give you the things to love, think about ponder in this video as we get insights from Amber Haley, Real Broker, who specializes in East Hawaii, Lance Owens, specializes in West Hawaii and Julie Ziemelis, Real Broker, moderator and resident and Realtor in North Kona.

Looking to drill even further into tips and insights you need to move to Hawaii and buy a home? Let’s talk! Call us directly for a Zoom call or phone call.

You can also join our 365Ohana on if you’d like to purchase a home on Hawaii Island and you will receive access to valuable resource materials and groups!

Eric and Julie Ziemelis offer marketing expertise to home sellers with a large group of buyers from our private Facebook group, our real estate YouTube channel and our extensive email list of potential buyers. For Buyers, we offer expertise and resources to ensure we remove the uncertainly from the experience AND provide a community you can reach into for information about moving and events to help you create friendships when you arrive. A full circle Ohana experience!
We also partner with these fabulous Realtors and mortgage pros to help you buy or sell around the island. Looking for connections? Contact us!

Eric Ziemelis RS-80376
Julie Ziemelis | RS-85062
REAL Broker
[email protected]


3 thoughts on “Moving To Hawaii – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”

  1. Talking about jobs, I live in the heart of Bay Area one exit away from my office and yet I go into work maybe twice a month. I own a house in Kona and could easily work remotely full time from there. The main reason I don’t do that is because the schools and extra curricular opportunities there for my kids is not even close to what we have here. But I will certainly move to Kona once my kids move out.

    Until then I don’t want my house to be a dead investment though and that brings to my next point that you didn’t cover. The house that I have there is paying for itself by renting it out short term. The returns for STRs in the west side is one of the best in the country! There are very few properties with permits on the east side, the property management that operate there are not very sophisticated, it’s harder to find contractors etc. So even though the properties are cheaper, they are not necessarily a better investment.

  2. This conversation is brilliant! Honest. Detailed. Realistic. So valuable and you three seem very nice, fun, and happy there. I’m thinking of retiring there so when the time comes I’ll be contacting you! Thanks!


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