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  1. Oh man, words have absolutely come back to haunt me. My daughter in particular is a freakin wizard at making that happen – I swear she'll remember random short conversations from a year or two ago and then just drop them at exactly the right moment to pin me to the wall on something. I am in so much trouble when she hits teen years. As far as work goes, I mentioned something in a post-interview conversation like 3 years ago, and just got a huge project as a result recently because somebody randomly remembered what I said. Whomp whomp….

  2. So sorry to hear about you not being able to run man, that's rough. I do love what you shared about moving forward with vigor and purpose though. I will definitely keep those words in the back of my mind going forward, they resonate in an important way.

  3. Hey Dave, I feel what your saying all too well.
    Back surgery at 28, 2 knee surgerys (same one) back to back 1-2 years ago, all before 40.
    Still running my electrical contracting business.
    Love your motivation and inspiring words sir, it could be worse, much worse.
    Keep trucking!

  4. I understand the turmoil your hip is causing you. I have a knee problem that is causing similar issues for me. I remember watching that joey moss video. That saying has stuck with me through hard times.

  5. I am haunted by a lot of the things I have said , especially when I was younger… regrets that will forever cause me to pause before I say anything now.
    Catch y’all on the flippity
    My dad got a hip replacement , and he was very happy he did it. He dragged his feet , no pun intended , as he was fearful of it. Wish you the best , buddy !

  6. I seriously tell people all the time how much I hate running, that I only run if someone’s chasing me. Well those words don’t taste great after watching this. It always helps to get a good dose of perspective though. A good reminder that I should just be happy that I can run. You stay up man! Thanks for the humility and content as always.

  7. I live with my girlfriend, of course my words come back to haunt me, man. Specially those related with the family in any of both sides, those are some hot topics and are pretty spicy!
    Ohh, I can relate with your knees! I had a similar problem a few years ago bc of a long and heavy exercise session (and I'm 31 yo)… It totally sucks, hope you get better with some exercise/treatment.
    Have a nice week, guys! Hope you all are doing great!

  8. As a teacher, my students like to remember everything I say. About a momth ago, I said you guys are acting like Space Cadets. They looked it up and recited the definition. Someome who is out of touch with reality… They said, you called us idiots. I said, "Yes, you all can act like that." They like to remind me this every so often…

  9. I've just been fighting to get over this dang bronchitis. And I use to talk about how I've never broken a bone after all I've been through but then I started having knee problems and found out I have missing bone in my knee that were not from any accidents but from something I was born with.

  10. Dave that sucks to hear about your hip. I can tell you that your words of wisdom and inspiration have helped bring me up quite a few times so I wish I could say something to help pull you up but I’m not that good with words. I’d say just look at the all the other good things that you still get to enjoy as it could be much worse my friend. Words always come back to haunt me especially with my wife and two daughters. I’ve learned to try and think before you speak but doesn’t always work I’ve spent quite a bit of money because of saying things and my kids remembering. They’re pretty spoiled like my oldest is on the dean’s list her first year of college so I took her out to dinner because I told her if she made the dean’s list I’d take her out to wherever she wanted to eat at the beginning of the school year and she remembered and was sure to remind me, regardless I’m very proud of her for having such good grades along with working as a waitress five nights a week. Now she’s on her summer break but is taking a class that is only offered during the summer for her nursing degree.

  11. Ok, have to add a third comment here because I straight up love Shimmer for some of the ridiculous shenanigans you can do, especially if you pair it with something awful like Apocalypse.

  12. Sorry about your hip bro. Hate to be cliche, but when one door closes another one opens 👍 Keep your head up brother, and remember that there are always exceptions

  13. Happy Monday to all the MTG fam
    It maybe true Mr Dave that you may not run much in the future.
    However with the first part of your life being on a fast pace. Now your mid life gives you more time for hand in hand walks instead of a hand to hand type of life. An the words you shared with Joey also touched others sir.
    We came into this world not knowing how to walk … we learned then we ran it might just be time to learn to walk again . Even though you've had to learn how to walk more than once in your life maybe 3rd times a charm ❤
    You've overcome so much to this point from your stories.
    I'm betting on you to run again. Maybe not a 5 k yet you will never stop that's not you
    Much love from Minnesota and thank you for being so real 🙏 ❤️ not stop worrying about what might not happen. find 1 positive that you will make happen ❤❤❤

  14. I understand how you feel about running, I've got my old skateboard hanging on the wall staring at me every day. Taunting me. Telling me "Come on Old Man, one more time. I'll put you in traction". 😂 It ain't the same but you find other things to do. Been considering a recumbent bicycle but I still have a little self esteem so……😁 Have a great week guys!

  15. Good morning, Dave!

    They have done so so, so much. My words got me seriously disciplined when I was deployed, even though they were spoken in private to a superior at their request.

    I was asked for my honest opinion (including details) about a female airman who worked in the docex trailer of our detention facility. After much prompting and assurance that the conversation was private, I was honest, stating that she was extremely unprofessional and citing multiple examples and incidents.

    What I didn't know was that that NCO would then take everything I said and use it to attempt to coerce her into sleeping with him.

    I was pretty disgusted to find that out, especially since I found out from an officer who was questioning me about our conversation, which led to me getting an article for aiding his actions (despite the fact that I was just reporting unprofessional behavior at a superior's request).

    In addition to extra duty (and iirc a month's pay docked), I was ordered to write a 5(?) page essay apology; luckily, I'm quite verbose and adept at utilizing my extensive vocabulary, phenomenal grasp of grammar, and superlative command of syntax, and thus was able to fill the pages up rather quickly with as much fluff and flowery prose (and as little substance) as possible. Also, I apologized for how my words were twisted and misused, and for not reporting my issues with the airman through the proper channels; at no point did I apologize for what I said. Still, it was a hard lesson.

  16. I hope that you are finding peace with your new normal. I truly wish that American medicine would just let us clone our own shit to put in ourselves. Mafakas.

  17. Yo Dave, that jersey is super sweet that you sent to Joey. I’m sorry to hear about your hip man. I always tell the younger crowd to take care of their bodies. I’ve messed mine up pretty good with all the skateboarding and dirt bikes. I hurt every day brother but like you said we got to get up and keep moving. Appreciate you brother.

  18. Here for you, brother. Animals can sense a predator especially a rabbit🐇. And you went behind the shed to think, reflect. It picked up on your vibe. It picked up you were having a vulnerable moment and it chilled with you. Bro, you're a soldier. It doesn't go anywhere or go away. So when you need it, rely on your brethren to lift you back up. MTG ATTITUDE ARMY we are here, bro. I'll piggyback your azz if need be. You know what I'm saying, love you bro, no homo, ok, maybe a little.
    Holla at me if I can ever help in any way.

  19. You're always being real with us Dave. I'm sorry to hear that you will no longer be able to do something you love. I can only imagine how hard that is to cope with. Always appreciate the honestly and genuineness.

  20. Dave I thought you were going to say your were having a senior moment there …. that being said it's always tough not being able to something you were able to when your younger, enjoyed being able to do as part of your life as it's you. Dave getting old is tough, you gain wisdom but your body now doesn't let you do some of the crazy stuff you did in your past.


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