One Piece Chapter 1086 brought a lot to the table, but let’s focus on Mother Frame. Is it an ancient weapon? Is it technology? Is it both? I’ve definitely got an idea.

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**Smoker’s Role on Egghead**
**Rocky Port Incident: SOLVED**
**Caribou Is Mr. 10 Ft. Tekking101**
**Cursed Eyes/Souls**
**Vivi In Elbaf**
**Luffy’s End Game**
**Boa Hancock’s Future Role**
**Joy Boy was a SNAKE🐍**
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**Next Island: Sphinx Island**
**Was Rocks Lunarian?**
**Blackbeard & Fate**
**Kaido and Rocks**
**Kurozumi Tama/Hitetsu Is Sukiyaki**
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44 thoughts on “MOTHER FRAME THEORY”

  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks the scar Whitebeard mentioned isn't from Garling! Cool theory idea on Mother Frame too – I think it could also be like Vegapunk is powering "Uranus's version of the Noah", which is kinda similar to what you said somewhat, but the main thing is I think York is responsible for this weapon and not Stella. It will be a re-do of the Franky/Tom situation. VP made an invention that almost doubles as a child (in York) who made things that are being used for the wrong reasons. Anyway great video as usual Randy!

  2. A lot of Japanese speakers think it's Mother Flame, which definitely changes the meaning. I like the idea that Vegapunk made something similar to the eternal flame he was aiming for and was mentioned on egghead, that infinite energy source. He had the intent of making it to power all civilizations in the world but Imu and the Gorosei decided to use it instead to power the ancient weapon.

  3. There is a possibility that Oda didn't show Vivi's reaction to her father's death (twice) is because Cobra is still alive and will be used as a captive to lure Vivi in (since Imu wants her) :/ But in any case I think it wasn't done super great in terms of emotional impact.

  4. I believe they used this weapon on God Valley but not on Ohara which means it needs time to recharge whatever the Mother Flame is it can make them use it more but still they can't use it a lot.

  5. I still think its supposed to be "flame", not "frame".. it just makes sense to be the power source, especially since the beginning of egghead it was mentioned how they were workin on tryin to create an "eternal flame" as an infinite power source.. and i kno the "R"'s and "L"'s are interchangeable in Japanese and sometimes the official does get it wrong ("Zolo" instead of "Zoro" is the most prominent example but there are more)

  6. Randy, love your theories. I’m still going to spread my propaganda that Saturn has a Mantaray fruit and the rest of them will also be aquatic themed. But this video was a banger

  7. Honestly Randy I think I'm going to join you for Sundays for the official's because look how one letter that's mistranslated literally makes you have a different perspective

  8. remember the mysterious blob like powers displayed by a gorosei I believe that this blob could be a reference to the Japanese creature the Daidarabotchi a legendary black giant ghost whose footsteps where said to create lakes and ponds.

  9. Something no one talks about. Crocodile is now confirmed to have had the face scar as a child already. Most probably assumed he got it from Whitebeard. Perhaps he is already missing his hand too, we don't know yet but it is imaginable. Also, he looked clearly very sad especially when put next to Moria and Doffy. None of the smugness he has later was present there. And in that scene, Oda even goes out of his way to include Crocodile by name in the fodder dialogue even though it is really completely unneeded. Unless he wanted to get your attention on him on purpose.

    I think this implies Oda has a lot more elaborate backstory for Croc in mind than anyone thought. Something must have happened in his childhood that gave him the scar, made him depressed and probably made him lose faith and trust in others which created the tyrant we saw in Alabasta. In Marineford, he has the impulsive and clearly genuine line about "If you want to protect something, do it right!". Sure sounds like he lost something important to him. And wouldn't it be more interesting if that was the weakness Ivankov knows? Oda is aware of the woman-theories and Oda likes to go against what seems obvious on purpose. I think he intentionally plays with that but the real "secret" is an actual weakness. Ivankov knows of Croc's traumatic past, one that he is still sensitive to and never overcame as he just put up a cold-blooded shell as a coping mechanism. In Marineford we saw his past beginning to catch up with him and now that he is involuntarily in the race for Pirate King again, he might have to finally overcome his past as perhaps that is connected to why he wanted to become Pirate King in the first place.

  10. Randy…what do you think are the chances of us seeing a clone of Ryuma in the final war?
    I have a theory that Ryuma is the final war opponent for Zoro..
    We now could say we understand why Imu ordered Doflamingo to attack Moria..
    Imu knew Moria was storing "materials" on his island, so he ordered Dofi to take action..
    So now the WG is probably holding Ryuma's body..for the seraphim project..

  11. I would say that Sabo is INDIRECTLY responsible for Vivi's escape. If it weren't for Sabo grabbing Cobra and trying to save his life, he would have died in front of the empty throne rather than wherever they ended up mid running away, it just so happened to be within perfect eyesight of Wapol who freaked out and ran into Vivi saving her. Domino effect at its finest.

  12. Hey Randy! So I think your on to something. If the true name is the mother frame then it having the ability to control an ancient weapon. I’m thinking the mother frame is actually a clone or another cyborg.

  13. This might be the most important One Piece chapter of all time! The Gorosei’s names are so dumb but also so badass in the way that only Oda knows how to do and get away with. They’re perfect. But I honestly think that the most important part of this chapter is that reveal of Figarland Garling, who is both the Supreme Commander of the God’s Knights and the former king of God Valley, who is also presumed to be Shanks’ father since One Piece Film: Red. R.I.P. Mjosgard

    The name Garling or Garland is of Anglo-Saxon and Germanic origin. Meaning Holy Roman Empire or Charlemagne. If Shanks really is a member of the Figarland family, I’m predicting Shanks’ name is going to be Charlemagne related. And if we are still going with the theory that Shanks has a twin then I think he will also have a Charlemagne related name So imagine Shanks and his brother are named something like Figarland Charlemagne and Figarland Wayland, like Charlemagne and Wayland the Smith.

    Ohara had a theory that the God's Knights are made up of the Figarland family. Im going to add to that and say that if this is true then Garling might be the Supreme Commander because he is also the patriarch of the family. That the other eight knights are his wife, younger siblings, children, and/or niblings (collective noun for nieces and nephews) and he is the head of the family.


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