Most Forbidden Texts From The Bible

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49 thoughts on “Most Forbidden Texts From The Bible”

  1. I'm not professional but in your first story you said this piece of paper with a couple of words of it date back to the 8th century. Well if my math is correct that means it was written 800 years after Jesus died. Sounds fake to me but also it's only four words long? It'd be impossible to determine the context that those words were written in

  2. The reason the church denies Jesus being married is due to the fact that there would be living relatives. Denying it also denies his wife and her contribution to the Bible. The book of Mary and others have been omitted from the Bible we now know. I don't believe we will ever know the entire Bible due to translation and omissions of entire chapters/books. The Vatican does control everything

  3. Please people, it is dumb to debate or deny this as truth. The bible says that jesus has experienced everything that we have and will experience. Let me say again everything we have to go through jesus has already experienced.

  4. Gotta love it when you pay £11.99 a month to stop youtube adverts then the channels put adverts in.. 😡😡 youtube ads and sponso money.. greedy.. hope youtube bans paid sponsorship

  5. Of course the Apocrypha📜 will always be banned by all churches⛪ and synagogues🕍 today because it preaches to directly to God's true chosen people on how to worship Him and serve Him only, and it also teaches that God's actual chosen people does not look like the ones portrayed in modern time who claim to be his own. The Apocrypha doesn't ramble it tells the hard core Truth that modern day vanilla society can't handle…💯😎

  6. Jesus did not mean a wife as in the way you people do cuz you're the intent on trying to destroy the Bible he was referring to his church he was the head of the church or the husband of the church the church was the wife why don't you guys maybe instead of trying to break somebody's religion down go back to thinking about people coming from monkeys

  7. you might be referring to The Gospel of Mary Magdalen. wonderful.
    a student of literature, i compared quoted texts of a few psalms that Jesus brought to discussion in His apostle class – i compared the texts to texts in "regular" versions of The Psalms: the versions in The Gospel of Mary are considerably more beautiful. for me: that settles it.
    also surfaced: the male apostles were generally more than miffed that the Lead Student was Mary .
    highly recommendable –

  8. Gospel of Jesus' wife. Being a long time Christian and Biblical student, this is old news and without actual foundation. It dates back to the Eighth Century and written in Coptic? A bit late.
    Perhaps this presenter should stay in the realm of the firmly established or the completely unknown. This rather casts suspicion on all the other 'amazing' ancient claims of the same brand.

  9. Forbidden category? There's a lot more then this , like Solomons black magic book , books of Enoch,any type of gnosticism sayings are there (theology) biggest rival & they demonized them , due to not following there belief on the subject

  10. Remember y’all. Christianity is the only religion in the world. Why I try to educate myself with different religions and be more open instead of stuck up. Because there’s hundreds of copies and versions of the Bible. Changing over hundreds of thousands of years. Why I stay religion free but open to the knowledge of others instead of one. Not force it down someone’s throat. Respect someone difference and not try to change them.


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