Mossad's Revenge: The Assassination Of Herbert Cukurs | Nazi Hunters | War Stories

The story of how Israeli secret service agents traveled to South America to assassinate Nazi war criminal Herbert Cukurs. Known as the Hangman of Riga, Cukurs was responsible for the deaths of over 30,000 Latvian Jews.

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24 thoughts on “Mossad's Revenge: The Assassination Of Herbert Cukurs | Nazi Hunters | War Stories”

  1. It’s amazing the Jewish state was allowed to go throughout the world and assassinate those they felt deserve to be assassinated and the US government does absolutely nothing about it even when they assassinate and killed the sailors on the USS libert, being Jewish came first and they put the Jewish state first they did nothing Israel should’ve been immediately banned from receiving any funds and we should’ve demanded the pilots and everybody involved to be turned over for war crimes, but they weren’t Why because they’re Jewish.
    Even the original founding of Israel was allowed by stealing land from Palestinians but yet if I want to go into a Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn and say that’s mine, take it and say well I’ll give you half and I’ll keep the other half that wouldn’t be considered OK for one I’m not Jewish

  2. The Kosovo Musclehims herded over 100,000 Serbian Christians into their churches ; the exits were bolocked ; potato masher German grenades were thrown through the stained glass windows and the church was burned to the ground during WW2. NATO attacked the avenging Serbs in 1992. More Serb victims.

  3. After documentaries like this and many others, we still have people who deny the Holocaust. Are they antisemitic or are they not able to accept that millions of people were murdered so horribly?

  4. Beautiful documentary. Just one piece of information: during the history of the Brazilian republic, there was never any Jewish temple burned down, for any reason.

  5. An operation well done ! My family came from Latvia. For someone to turn on his fellow citizens, his death was too quick ! Shooting children is unimaginable and a heinous unforgettable crime ! Luckily for him, his family wasn't gunned down infront of him before he was taken out. Shalom

  6. I'm on board with the objective. Not so much with the operation. Too much bureaucracy. Overly costly. Honestly, way too complicated, way too many moving parts, way too much time to finale. So many easier, faster ways. Bomb on his boat or in his airplane. Etc …..

  7. Amazing! Deserved the bullets! Unfortunately, a lot of those animals escaped and lived their pathetic lives hiding like rats in their holes. What's upsetting is that many of them escaped to the US and have never been prosecuted.

  8. It is an interesting question as to Cukurs innocence, his son seemed adamant about a lack of direct proof. Seems weird that there all these stories of this guy from the ppl in the camps and whatnot but no official documentation? The Nazs documented everything. Seeing as we now know that thousands of Nazis were escaped through rat lines through the Red Cross, The Vatican, CIA etc, some elements of the Allies absorbed the Nazis to fight the communists world wide so it makes sense that they would pin all the crimes of the Latvian Nazis on this one man because in reality nearly none have ever seen justce for what happened in Latvia or the rest of the Holocaust/WW2, idk just a thought


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