More to Offer – Best Lent Ever – Holy Moments – Matthew Kelly

More to Offer – Best Lent Ever – Holy Moments – Matthew Kelly

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33 thoughts on “More to Offer – Best Lent Ever – Holy Moments – Matthew Kelly”

  1. I'm enjoying expanding my soul potential whenever I read books from Dynamic Catholic, or, my favorite spiritual books; the bible, "The Eucharist and the Hunger of the World, by Monika K. Hellwig, "The Beatitudes: Seeking the Joy of God's Kingdom," by Paul Hinnebusch, O.P., and, "The Parables of Jesus," by Scripture scholar, Joachim Jeremias. Except for the bible, the other books are out of print. But, used copies are available through Amazon. My favorite book after the bible is Monika Hellwig's book. Think of it. We are what we eat. So, after we receive Christ in the Eucharist, Who is the Bread of Life, we too, are to be Chist-Persons, also bread for the world, feeding the many hungers in the world; physical, mental, emotional, psychological, intellectual, as well as spiritual.

  2. I'm trying to live my soul potential by living the Beatitudes. Paul Hinnebusch, O.P., wrote that the spirituality of the beatitudes is the spirituality of the anawim. When I wrote a paper about the anawim, the definition I found was,"The anawim are God's little ones, the poor, who are poor through no fault of their own, and who are totally dependent on God to save them."

  3. Holy Moments are where we are able to connect with each other and God on that spiritual, invisible area where our soul lives…choosing a Holy Moment gives us and others the chance to embrace the Love that is God and to Grow closer to Him.

  4. I start the day with you, Matthew, and your darling children. It's the best way to start. I will discover who I really am. May God Bless you, Matthew, and your wonderful family.

  5. Nothing realizing how much more I can offer…a Holy Moment for me yesterday at a Walmart parking lot. I saw an adorable older lady struggling with her shopping cart (I’m an ole’ gal too but I went to her to help) and we started talking….she was so moved by my kindness and conversation….she thanked God for sending me to her at that moment…she said it renewed her faith and made her day!!! Little did she know…she made MY day❤️❤️

  6. I have read Holy Moments 3 times and have given out over 6 copies of it and going strong. I absolutely love the Michelangelo quote and have used it in my morning show Good Vibes on FB live. Today, you have wakened me early to listen to the stirrings of my soul. And not be afraid. Have a beautiful day Matthew. ❤

  7. I’m going through this right now… feeling a strong pull to do more with the life God has blessed me with. I’m just having trouble figuring out… or hearing God tell me… how to do this! Thanks for this inspiring message 😊

  8. Matthew! I love that the “unease” isn’t a problem….it’s a craving for more! A knowing that the Holy Spirit is ready to take me further, to enhance my soul for the goodness of God!! Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!

  9. Holy moments has helped me tto realize that filling my soul void doesn't have to take Hurculea effort. Prior to reading the book Holy Moments and listening to you, I was feeling overwhelmed and discouraged because I believed that what I could do to make a difference was not enough. I have come to understand that even the smallest act can become a holy moment to fill the soul void and have a ripple effect on the lives of others. This mind shift has been uplifting since now I focus on what I can do rather than feeling overwhelmed and discouraged. Thank you Matthew.

  10. These holy moments can be eye opening but also difficult to take in. Like tipping. Don't judge someone on whether they tip or not. And don't base how you treat someone based on how much money they are giving you

  11. We're a week into Lent and I'm still struggling at what "to give up", what can I sacrifice? This video helped me realize how my copy of Holy Moments that I started reading a few months ago is now in my bookcase and calling me to come out. I believe I have figured out that I will give up trivial pursuits (internet time, tv, whatever distracts me) and spend at least 10 minutes with Holy Moments every day.

  12. Thank you Matthew. I'm in the 4th quarter and you have inspired me to dig into my soul and find what more I have to offer. Thanks for all the Holy Moments I experience each day, Lord. You are such an awesome and powerful GOD! …..and thanks again to you Matthew Kelly for making this all happen.

  13. Thank you Matthew for yet another inspiring video to encourage us to listen to our unrest and to want to do more and better to love God and others. At work, I try to be really present in my conversations with pregnant women and new parents as my role as a nurse-to help and guide them in trying times and to offer emotional and practical support and kind words…..always kind and gentle words.

  14. I received my Holy moment book, and I gave it to my friend. However, I had an offer to get six books and all I had to do is pay for postage. I enclosed more than I was asked to send and I still don't have my books. I was going to keep one and donate the rest to the church.


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