More Than 90% Of Sigma Males Do Not Approach Women Anymore ( Here’s Why )

More Than 90% Of Sigma Males Do Not Approach Women Anymore Here’s Why In this captivating video, we explore the reasons …


39 thoughts on “More Than 90% Of Sigma Males Do Not Approach Women Anymore ( Here’s Why )”

  1. As a SIGMA male, getting people to listen to me when I explain to them these exact reasons why I am the way I am, is very difficult because they won't listen and just label me as fearful and reclusive. So while these narcissistic people continue to have problems and drama, I remain stoic, and I work on my problems without the drama of others.

  2. 2 Things

    1 I believe this coincides with us entering the Age of Aquarius aka Age of Information (and dis-information)

    2 He overeses the word Enigmatic and basically uses it in every video..😂😂…I was Kool with it at 1st but then noticed a pattern

  3. It's logical not to approach women because you know that they have wants which you may not want to meet. I have wants that I want met, but I know that if I had a partner, I would have to sacrifice my wants on a regular basis. I don't want to have to sacrifice my wants on a regular basis, I want to meet them.

  4. Because when we make our move after they pretend to be attracted to us they often ghost/flake on us for 101 different reasons, be a nice guy get repelled, be a good guy, get ghosted/rejected, be a bad guy while you get all of the attention you begin to see that it's nothing more than bullshit because she's putting on the same act for the rest of her bad guy's can you honestly see where I'm going with this and is there any wonder us men have grown sick and tired of their bullshit am I saying that they're all cut from the same cloth NO absolutely not its just unfortunate that 90% 95% adding the 0.5% no more than 1% being hidden chameleons thus leading to 90.05% 96% are in other words it doesn't matter what type of male you are sooner or later once the shiny new toy syndrome wears off on these women they'll throw away said toy for a much newer, shinier, and better one afterall thats how alot of men are seen as today a toy/walking ATM a meal ticket at best! 👏🙏💪☺️😂🦁💥🔥📖✝️⚔️🗡️🛡️⚰️🤦‍♂️🌏🌎🌍🚴‍♂️🚵‍♂️🏋️‍♂️

  5. I agree with everyone and the video.

    I never approached females because I want her to like me before she meets me, every female falls for me after meeting me and seeing how much I do (cook, clean, attentiveness towards others)

    I don’t want to convince someone to like me, because I can.. what I learned is when you convince a partner to be with you, they’re more likely to be convinced to go elsewhere. 🙏

  6. I would approach I woman if I saw any out there, ALL there are now are sluts, whores, and deranged creepy “things”. They may or may not have been women at one time (possibly, might have been) after the post pandemic “shift”, mutation whatever it might be referred to as, there are only demonic entities that sort of like “ host “ what may have been a human woman 👩 at one time , I’ve lost track of exactly when the final like “alien, mutation, takeover, transition” stage actually took place, to be completely frank.

  7. Of the big five personality traits, we "sigmatics" are dispropotionally skewed with a weighty conscientiousness. We're perceptive, and aware of our inner and outer environments that are, inevitably, the easiest way, for our constraints gleaned from experience. We're not often tought an easier way and we know it, and show it. We don't hoard our intelligence for popularity or profit. We place ourselves in the best position for good things to happen and while we wait, our capabilities are way more valuable to us than our assets or our stories.

  8. I used to approach them when I wasn't confident in myself.

    Since then, i just be me. I've been seeing my lady for 2 years now and all I did was over here two people standing behind me at a bowling tournament confused about where to go to pull their next game.

    Being the helper that I am I said scuse me I'm not eavesdropping but I overheard what you were saying and here's how it works. We talked off and on throughout the day but not very much. But I was curious since you came back and talk to me because I had no other intention other than helping them find out where they bowl their next game.

    We did breakfast a couple weeks, we get our food and she looks at me and says men that looks really good and reaches across and takes a bite.

    Have never had anything like that happen in all my dating history. I barely know this lady she's already reaching across taking a bite. So instead of thinking it was weird I thought it was kind of cool and told me how comfortable she was with me.

    We met a couple more times after that thinking this is just going to be like a friend's thing, because I wasn't feeling it that she was interested and then we kiss and it was all over.

    I finally found myself a strong-minded woman like I'm a strong-minded man and we are perfect together.

    Again, I wasn't even trying.

  9. Iv had quite a few adults approach me of all ages, after starring at me with that sexual look and smile. It's been older females lately probably in there late 40s mid 50s. The older ones lately seem to be less stuck up, not insecure, and dont think they're too good to come and approach me first like the younger ones lately with their inflated egos because of simps and that I think a guy should approach me first garbage mentality.

  10. Where as I do see some familiarity as sigma males. Relationships was tough for me caused by mistrust for others caused by abuse of problem drinker with father. In my peak years militant feminism had reached it's peak and women seeking careers for equality and genuine hostility from women in the work place. Loosing control of myself and affecting and judging myself unmercifully as worthy of anything were parts of the scars of abuse. Yet I have still believed this was a purpose. I still manage to function. Now retired and trying to explain to young adults why I never married or produce offspring it's tough. Whatever social scene I did advance I always thought of myself as odd man out. I have compared it a game of Chinese Checkers with all slots being filled by marbles and and and a single marble circulating around the field.

  11. I most likely will never approach a woman again, life is to short to be stressed out about a woman. If i date again she will have to approach me. But im single and loving the peace that comes daily.

  12. Love the video topic, and analysis about more than 90% of sigma males do not approach women, Sigma Male. And also, do you think that you can do a video topic, and analysis about how Sigma Males become a force to be reckoned with? If you don't mind?


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