More St. Louis families stuck living in burned apartment building

More St. Louis families say they’re stuck living in a burned-out apartment building. St. Luke’s Plaza Apartments on Enright burned the day after Mother’s Day.

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18 thoughts on “More St. Louis families stuck living in burned apartment building”

  1. Why hasn't the Fire Department condemned the building?

    Years ago, my next door neighbor in the building had a fire.
    I could not moved back into my apartment until the Fire Department gave the all clear, in which took them about 2-3 weeks to do so.
    Then all of the Utilities to the building was shut off for those 2-3 weeks.

    Theh there's my landlord, she was confused why I was taking all of my clothes out of my apartment during the 2-3 weeks.
    Even tho there was no fire or smoke on my unit, there was smoke smell on all of the surfaces in my apartment.

    Side story:
    In 2020, the apartment building I was living in at the time had a Fire Alarm went off around 2 am on a Saturday.
    Nobody told any of the residents that it was a False Fire Alarm until Monday morning.

    Hundreds of people was homeless for 2 days because of their incompetence.
    The management literally blamed all of the residents for being homeless for those 2 days.
    They refuse to issue refunds or even any kind of reimbursement for being homeless for those 2 days.
    I contacted the Housing Authority (apartment complex has contract with them) about it, they refuse to do anything, was told to continue working with the apartment management. Yes, they did know that the management refuse to do anything. No, management did not change their mind.

    Long story short, I ended up moving months later because of the incompetence of the apartment management and the Housing Authority. I moved out of the jurisdiction of that Housing Authority because the whole fire thing AND they were stolen over 2k from me.

    I kind of liked my apartment, for the 1st time, I kind of thought that I was going to live there for my rest of my life.
    It got ruined.

  2. Hell, there's LOTS of room in the vacant-10-years, largest-ofc-bldg-in-the-state AT&T bldg. Right in the center of downtown. For that matter, over 50% of the commercial space in the city is vacant. For good reason. So, don't waste it. Let these 'families' live there. Obviously nobody ELSE wants it…

  3. Go to court and file a ?? I forgot the name of the filing? The money is paid to the court vs to the landlord. I believe you must give notice of things that must be done and take pics. Send certified mail.

  4. They should’ve put those families in hotels while they get other homes ready for them. They didn’t want to spend the money on that. They’d rather keep collecting rent and leave them folks there in that health hazard. SMH.

  5. they already know this that's why they did it it's a health hazard for the people that's living there the city could give them people a place to stay automatically without having to wait they don't care


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