More Raiders Drama

More Raiders Drama


25 thoughts on “More Raiders Drama”

  1. This shows you what a liar david is about his brother he knew Derek wasn't winning a super bowl with the raiders he just wanted Derek to make his money feel comfortable and just say the right things like its on me and i want to win and Derek could when he had gruden as his coach because GRUDEN thought carr was the greatest QB He's ever had and derek knew it and mcdaniels has coached the best QB ever and he immediately knew carr has no way of getting deep into the playoffs and a super bowl.. did you not realize Derek has not said its on me with mcdaniels once because now he knew any time he said those fake lines their was consequences this time so derek would just say im doing what josh wants me to do.. so basically what im saying is derek didn't really care as much as you think about getting to a super bowl it was all just for us fans to want hear that he cared..and this is what i use to complain about its on you Derek but what are you going to do about it and then he would say it the following week over and over now its real no more comfortable couch for him..and every year his stupid brother at the beginning of the season would jinx the raiders and pick the raiders schedule and have the raiders winning almost every game it was so disingenuous and pathetic the phony shit is over the carrs can't ride the lies anymore.

  2. Like you said actions speak louder than words right now David and Derek Carr or bitching so much they are not paying attention to the most important thing right now and that is Derek Carr one slip-up away from being a backup quarterback if he doesn't make it work wherever he goes to next. Like they say success is the best revenge not crying and bitching.

  3. The raiders entire franchise is stuck in the past.. They live the same reoccurring season after season after season after season.

    It’s the same old garbage excuses from them year in and year out. Now they’re so far from being Raiders it’s actually scary they have become the Patriots west and think that’s the way forward? 😆 🤡’s

  4. David speaks for Derek. That’s how beta males do it. I know it’s weird. What is even stranger is how anyone STILL could support them. But different strokes for different folks. Carr apologists please go with him to new team once he’s cut.

  5. That is a Fresno State hat. And I really don't think that it was a shot at Brady, it was a shot at McD.

    And obviously you care what David Carr says. You made a podcast about it.

  6. They wanna put this fucker on a pedestal like he won a gold at the Olympics. When in fact, this fuckin dude has a losing record with us because he's a shit qb who has always taken his ball & gone home when the going gets tough. Fuck it, we only want winners! I'm ready for Tb12…even if we don't win the chip with him, he'll set the fuckin tone for what it fuckin takes to win

  7. How can you say Derek did not earn his contract and then say… even though the Raiders didn't give him what was needed. You're talking alot of sh** with NO FACTS. No defense EVER and it's Derek's fault? wtf You got some smarts but reasoning on DC is THIN. All good RN4L

  8. I agree with everything you said. This era of men are weak. I also served in the military so respect to you. Tell it like it is. I’m just ready for this divorce to be finalized.

  9. I completely agree with you Hardcore! Being a Fresno State Alumni, I can now say I don’t support either of the Carr’s like I used to!

    If anyone should know that the NFL is a business and that life isn’t far, it’s David Carr! He came out of college #1 overall and he got his body and brains beat! And after 4-5 years in Houston with that expansion team, he was a shell of himself AND as you said a back up QB at best…..and to this day, he still has a better arm than Derek!

    Anyway so now as we all know, David is responding to this benched like Derek has been: wronged, mistreated, disrespected to name just a few! To me he’s treating this like Derek is not playing in the NFL but rather in pee wee football and thinks Derek should be treated like that where everyone gets to play and we all win and we all get a participation trophy!!! Does it???

    Come on David, no matter what drama or dirt that he wants to dig up, honest or a lie, it doesn’t matter at ALL and it’s not going to change things! The NFL is a business and benching Carr the last two games made total financial sense! And the way he was playing they probably should have done this sooner!!!!😳….Amen!!!

  10. Stop bitching really? You should do the same just waisted some time watching a fool say they don't about what David C said then went on talking about what David said and about Brady (The old goat) so keep it 100 like to say & stop bitching damn. RNFL! Plain & simply the Raiders went to the playoffs last year and got better this year with Adams and didn't make it to the playoffs. Had the lead in almost every game except in about three or four games. Bad coaching bad play calling at the end of games no halftime adjustments the team got worse by adding this coach he's the problem if you want to keep it real.Now the team is going to suffer for awhile now until he's removed by then this great team is waisted.

  11. Lip-service maybe a bunch of bulshit but if you can't keep your quarterback upright and your offensive line can't do their job no matter how much money you pay Tom Brady Derek Carr or David Carr or Joe Montana Steve Young Hostetler if you don't have offensive line or good defense on both sides of the ball not one of them is going to go to the Superbowl I don't care how good the quarterback is you don't have an offensive line you ain't shit and you're not going to the Superbowl bottom-line


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