More "Game Changers" (and Failures) in Ukraine – From Starlink & Electronic warfare to Hypersonics

A few weeks ago, I looked at some of the many systems that have been used in Ukraine that attracted their share of of media hype and asked whether they delivered on their hype.

Today, I round out that list with more hyped up systems that didn’t make in into the first video, while also looking at some that I’d probably nominate as just as, or more significant, that the ones drawing heaps of media attention.

Expect a focus on the importance of context and opportunity costs as we look at Kizhal, SCALP, the TB-2 drone and Orlan drones, as well as Starlink and Russia’s extensive park of EW assets.

Thank you all of you who voted for this topic – I hope you enjoy.


Relevant Reading/sourcing
The Russian Way of War (Grau & Bartles)

Justin Bronk – Russian Combat Air Strengths and Limitations:


RUSI – The Russian Air War and Ukrainian Requirements for Air Defence (Bronk, Reynolds & Watling)

RUSI – The Orlan Complex, Tracking the supply chains of Russia’s most successful UAV

RUSI – Meatgrinder: Russian Tactics in the Second Year of its Invasion of Ukraine (Watling & Reynolds)

Russian military strategy core tenents and operational concepts – Michael Kofman, Anya Fink, Dmitry Gorenburg, Mary Chesnut, Jeffrey Edmonds, and Julian Waller

Reporting on Musk and Starlink over Crimea

Palantin making its training intro in 2019

Included image on Strelets slide – Reddit

Rosoboronexport on Strelets

Included report in intel sharing

Starlink use 2022


Starlink latency map (demonstrating UA usage)

Reporting on Pentagon deal with SpaceX

Shoigu on Orlan production

Rosoboronexport on Orlan 30

Caveats & Comments:
All normal caveats and comments apply.

In particular – I would like to note as always that this material has been created for entertainment purposes and is not intended to be a complete or comprehensive examination of the topic in question and should not be relied upon to inform financial or other similar decisions.

00:00:00 — More Game Changers
00:01:25 — What Am I Talking About?
00:02:43 — System Shaping Battlefields
00:09:56 — Kinzhal And Storm Shadow/SCALP
00:26:12 — TB-2 And Orlan
00:40:51 — Communication
00:48:53 — Electronic Warfare
01:05:30 — Conclusions
01:06:43 — Channel Update


27 thoughts on “More "Game Changers" (and Failures) in Ukraine – From Starlink & Electronic warfare to Hypersonics”

  1. Many thanks to those of you who voted for the continuation of this series – though don't worry, I'll be looking at some of the close runners up soon enough.

    I do want to stress that the ranking system is not at all scientific and is based entirely on some partly subjective criteria I settled on, but I would very much like to hear whether you agree (or not) in the comments below. And yes, I think it's important to call out places where Russian technology is effective and impactful – which I think is very much the case in some system categories.

    Thanks as always, and all the best!

  2. I don't love that Elon Musk has the power to snap his fingers and change the outcome of this war. He appears to have no moral anchor and I have no idea what his world view really is. I don't think he cares, morally, who wins this war. At best I think he might care about public opinion and that may keep him from enabling the Russians more than the Ukrainians but he is a wild card that I am not sure we have or are planning to have a plan b for when he shuts down Starlink for Ukraine.

  3. Russian hypersonic missile scientists and lead engineer are arrested on treason charges. The Kremlin said Wednesday that three scientists face “very serious accusations” after a rare public outcry that comes as Ukraine claimed it had shot many of the missiles down .they were ended up fired and charged with treason for not fulfilling the parameters that was requested on the program. . so that really says a lot about what happened

  4. Why would shooting down a satelite of a "company" an act of war?
    Even more so if said satelite is not over that companies land of origin.
    If a company takes side in a war by providing services to one or even both sides of a conflict, why wouldn't be that company and its assets fair game?

  5. Industrial production in a strong economy is the only "game changer" to talk about. It also helps if you understand from day one what kind of a war that is fought, in this case a war of attrition. Not being a proxy for NATO, with their goals not being the rescuing of the Ukraine but instead regime change in Russia, also helps.

  6. I would note that the biggest factor that makes Starlink resistant to both jamming and being shot down is that there's thousands of them whizzing by in low earth orbit. It would be almost impossible to shoot them all down.

  7. Where did you find that the Orlan-30 had a laser designator? When I dove deep into this, it seems like it has a laser range finder, but not a designator. In fact it was specifically mentioned as a "LIDAR" unit. So likely more for maping/recon than pinpointing specific targets

  8. Appearing on the All-In Podcast in Sept., Musk said that, yes, he turned down the service request from Ukraine. But he added that if Biden had ordered him to honor it, he would've obeyed at once. 
    It's rumored, btw, that many months earlier Putin told him directly that nuking Ukraine was completely on the table if the West intervened in the war, spooking him profoundly. Musk flatly denies the rumor.


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