MORE FLEA MARKET CHANGES, Nerfs & More // Escape from Tarkov Patch 12.12 News

Battlestate Games is not messing around with this new flea market changes in Escape from Tarkov. The Killa, Tagilla and even the AVS armor have been removed from the flea but as of today the THICC items case was removed as well I would think they’ll remove the THICC weapon too. BSG clearly want us to really earn the best items in the game this wipe.
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Although I do sometimes get a hand from BSG and occasionally get to talk to Nikita or other members of the team, I do not work for BSG. I also work entirely off public information and past experiences of working in game dev myself, as well as following this game closely for several years. Unless I state very clearly otherwise, the information you’re about to hear should be taken as speculation. You can either get no information or speculation, that’s all we have to go off of these days unfortunately which is why it’s easier to just say Thursday whenever anyone asks for dates. If you want hard facts and dates you won’t get them, period.


34 thoughts on “MORE FLEA MARKET CHANGES, Nerfs & More // Escape from Tarkov Patch 12.12 News”

  1. Not sure if I haven't been paying attention, but I barely see anyone talking about the changes to flea reputation. You now need 50 rep to unlock 3 slots – which is absolutely brutal

  2. Limiting availability is definitely the way to go IMO for preventing super weapons like the vector from being the obvious choice and dominating the meta, I wouldn't like to see them take the vector out of the game for example, but if everyone can affordably run a vector full of AP 6.3 rounds, it's clearly the best available option so it's all anyone is going to use, making a rather stale and stagnant competitive experience. TBH I'd even like to see a lvl 25 flea market requirement just to see how it goes, making those low durability fully automatic weapons actually valuable was really enjoyable for me personally the first few days of wipe.

  3. While I support them trying different things out, I do feel they need to be careful with how heavily they're coming down on flea market items. Particularly if they're going to be targeting cases and such next, cases really do help out standard account players who struggle with inventory space. It's very difficult for anyone who isn't a gigachad to contest marked rooms for these cases. If they want to spend the roubles they've already earned through playing the game on them, then let 'em. If you're concerned about the amount of money players are making from them, increase the spawn rates for special events and that'll bring down prices or cap the maximum sell price / amount that can be sold during a given period.

  4. I'm not sure what the actual intention removing the thicc case is… I hope it's to increase / maintain the value of moonshine/ledx and other barter items used for thicc cases. I say I hope that the intention just because I assume that will be the primary consequence.

  5. Wish they would fix over penning scavs, before trying to be cute with these changes. 10 shots of BP , no armor, and just one taps me with PS to the thorax with a PACA. Annoying and makes people not want to play.

  6. If you call something FLEA market. What do you expect to find on it???

    Tarkov is finally going the way it looked in the trailers. Flea market should be like a thing where you sell and buy junk. Guy a: hey man, i wanna fix leaking pipes in my basement, but i cant find tape anywhere. Guy b: bro, arent you that guy who got back with big bags from the mall last week ? I have tons of tape, if you have chocolate.

    Thats how it should be! Not some lambo selling place in an abandoned war torn city with scavs hahahah the past flea didnt make sense AT ALL, everyone shouls be struggling for food and fighting with jamming makarovs but instead everyone selling some fancy cases and crazy guns and has btc farms with hundreds of gpus, and everyone is dressed like that black star wars guy with class 6 helmet hahahaha

    They finally decided to make tarkov play like the trailers!

  7. Honestly I’m a few wipes in now but when I’m working or driving I really enjoy The long-form tarkov content (long map guides, dicsussing trader gun builds or kits, favorite loot spots, how to fight better, etc. if any of that is feasible for you I’d enjoy it and watch it!

  8. insted of putting level restrictions on the items they just removed them completely, stupid…The need at least remove global stocks and introduce player stock on all items

  9. All these changes really hurt players who do not play the game every day for 10+ hours, and what's worse – those players are majority of the game. I feel like BSG and Nikita focus on hardcore players and streamers, but are not aware that those are minority. This is so fuckin' annoying, to say the least.


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