More Elden Ring Part 2! Learning and getting better! (Angry Joe & Crew)

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31 thoughts on “More Elden Ring Part 2! Learning and getting better! (Angry Joe & Crew)”

  1. Me: * sees the thumbnail *

    For real tho, if we want the crew to start liking it they have to explore Caelid after they are hooked, damned place, lol

  2. AngryJoe when you look at an item in the inventory you can press Switch Display (X) and then it tells you what the item is for, how to use spells, the lore behind the game, the quest directions etc.

  3. Joe is so bad at this game its hilarious. I'm glad he got to experience the trap. Like I did. Although I died about 10 more times in the Selia Crystal Tunnels before making it out alive. I thought Joe would rage way more in the tunnels. If he was alone I think he would have. I wonder if Alex set him up for the tunnels not telling him about the trap. The game is amazing, it's so big, and so full of adventure. You have to be engaged at all times when searching for things to do. You see ruins off on a cliff in the distance and you wonder how do i get there, what's in there, I need to get there, and then you do it. And sometimes you can't get there and have to go through teleporters or story quests but usually you can get there and then the adventure happens. And its rewarding just experiencing and overcoming these obstacles and slowly gaining levels and experience and skill int he game. And then you fight and defeat Margit for the first time and you feel god damn alive! I was just as bad at this game as Joe was this early in too. Now i've finished it once and am starting my second character fresh. I'm surprised OJ isn't playing his own game at one of the other PC's and they can co-op hard boss fights together.

  4. JOE you have to find the MAPS first before following on other peoples guides cuz you wont know where things are.

    There is a ICON that looks like a Lighthouse in the Map areas that are blurry, thats where the NEW MAP section is. There was one in the section that you were transported by the chest.

    Just find all the maps first.

  5. elden ring should've been called anime spam.
    -this series has gone too anime style nonsense attacks.

    nothing like stomp the ground 50ft aoe radius attacks for the sake of challenge

  6. Use the lantern u don't have to hold it it goes on your side you have use of both of your hands. Alex is a moron for not using it stop taking his advise. Explore more let your curiosity guide you .

  7. Why does Alex have to he an asshole? He doesn't seem to handle any criticism well and even when people are tying to be helpful he's still a douche. While Joe and OJ show frustration and anger they don't give off that same asshole vibe.


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