More Disc Golf Lawsuits This Year?!

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37 thoughts on “More Disc Golf Lawsuits This Year?!”

  1. He mad about equal pay for 1st place. Yet he point FPO division value is almost half of MPO and the players are almost a third of MPO. I don’t see anything wrong with first prize being the same. It would only be unfair if the division values were equal with far less players. Drew needs to stop tweeting and start practicing so he can earn more.

  2. It simply comes down to it not being fair for MPO to put up more money by big margins and then split even….. it’s just as ridiculous as biological men competing in FPO . Disc golf is liberal af and anything controlled by liberals get ruined. MPO draws the crowds because they want to see 500+ foot bombs. FPO don’t pull a crowd because you can watch 300 foot shots on your home course. Sorry it’s just how it is 🤷🏻‍♂️

  3. The payout at the DMC was complete BS. They decided to add an extra 100% of cash to the entry fees for the women just to match the winning prize. So the men have to play against a much more stacked field for similar money, just for what? To act like they're progressive or some shit?

    Natalie Ryan needs to fuck off too. This BS where an entitled man feels like its totally fine for women to be forced to play against him, but its "unfair" for force him to play against men is the epitome of the backwards ass thinking of people like him.

  4. Payouts for each division should be based on who the spectators are ACTUALLY coming to see. I don’t hear a lot of disc golfers talking about FPO or lining up to get the new Catrina Allen disc ( I love Catrina Allen ) and I occasionally watch FPO coverage but I watch ALL MPO coverage. It’s not sexism it’s just the truth

  5. Drew is 100% right, they added 100% more the FPO side, which means they took money that belonged in the much more stacked MPO side just so they could make the 1st place prize for FPO equal to MPO, which is completely fckin asinine. Of course, the only way for women to be equal in a sport is for them to take from the men in some way. Imagine having to play against players like Ricky, Calvin, and a huge field filled with players that are rated 1020 or higher and making the same as a field where nobody is 1000 rated at all, then expected the same amount of money for winning.

  6. Don't even like the DGPT anymore. The men's is called mixed pro tour, but only men play. But, FPO is female pro open but they're forced to allow trans females. So dumb right now.

  7. I see a lot of people upset because of how a sponsor decided how they are going do payouts for an event. Sponsor an event and pay it out as you see fit then instead of complaining about it.

  8. In Paige's defense, I actually liked her letting the crowd pick. Its important to be entertaining too. Thats what can bring in sponsorship dollars and fans to your side. Ya, she missed but she would have probably missed with the other discs too. That wind was crazy.

  9. If a sponser wants to add more money to a lesser popular group, thats their choice to do so, mostly a losing strategy that end up bankrup 😂 Most companies or sponsor calculate estimates on how much viewership and advertising turn into purchases as a return. Discraft actually got a "deal" paying mcbeth millions as their return is greater than his cost. Money goes to where the value is. Seemed like a virtue signal, but KT could possiblely sell a ton of discs.

  10. On the N. Ryan concerns, I will try and make a small contributive comment, and probably unlike most on here, I have lived a responsible, alternative lifestyle all my life but that defines me only a little: a huge fan of sports, higher education and achievements, fair play, and served in uniform for nearly 20 years to name a few. I truly believe, how the world has evolved in such an accepting way, N.R would have been most likely accepted by fans & players alike in the MPO field, and protected, if identifying as Natalie. That takes real courage, strength and talent to compete, and this generation embraces those traits. This generation does 'get it.' It's amazing to me, how so many of this young generation is so awesome in accepting culture, race, and orientation without a second thought.
    Instead, N.R is now the catalyst of something the alternative community has absolutely shunned, and that's N. R seeking equality when there IS, inequality. By birth gender and so many other aspects that are not equal ie. natural testosterone levels, natural strength and muscle development that differentiates a man and a woman. In N.R's pursuit of equality, N.R in my opinion has deformed both natural and legal laws of the land.
    No one I know, supports a man's pursuit in a woman's sport, change room, washroom, in fact every educated person I know deplores that. Why? It's simple. We/I do not support how any one person, convinces themselves, that one individual is above equality; convinced they deserve something more, even special perhaps… when we all know, that is a defamation of the actual meaning of equality. After decades of Equality pursuance, the real measuring stick for achievement can be be measured today, by this; play as Natalie in the MPO field and all sides will support you, it's your right and the laws will protect you and everyone as equals. But to distort decades of achieving Equality by demanding one's identity supersedes natural gender, no sir I do not support that and it makes a mockery of demanding acceptance for the wrong reasons….this person is doing the community (every community) a disservice by manipulating years of progress of finally achieving Equality. Just know I for one and those I know through debated discussions, who paved that road for N.R to enjoy equality, do not enjoy such interpretation of equality. N. R has made it difficult for so many to then be naturally kind, considerate and supportive, solely because it makes the community seem selfish and unfairly demanding…so as we all seek equality, the very thing N.R seeks, is actually, an inequality. And because N.R has created real conflict, real confusion, and unresolve for many communities, it is not a good look, and definitely not a good goal for the continuance and future of Equality I'm afraid. It's not a right to put forth one's own personal pursuits that in the end divides communities…when for decades, the real purpose of equality was to simply, unite them. Shame on anyone shaking up a community united. Because that's how communities fall.
    Believe me when I say this, myself and so, so many others are frustrated like you for many of the same (and different) reasons, and do not support this at all. It's selfish to push equality boundaries that are sacred and becoming borderline undefendable.
    So for all who are judging a community by this one pursuit, please don't judge us all the same. N. R does not represent me. Nor I, N.R, for two simple reasons that dictate the natural order of things; equality, and fair play.

  11. What does the disc lawyer have to say about throwing into a parking lot at the disc golf course/public park (that has not signage warning of damage)and damaging a car. There’s one hole here that I always skip just cause I don’t wanna get sued for being bad at disc golf

  12. No one is upset with Ryan for being trans, but rather because of Ryan’s poor behavior. Putting on a disguise to get around rules to play in a division in which you would otherwise not be allowed is cheating and fraud. It’s just scummy behavior, like taking welfare benefits because you don’t want to work, or like getting a handicapped placard when you’re not handicapped. People who engage in scummy fraudulent behavior should be called out and held accountable. Nobody would hate Ryan if he’d just play in his appropriate division.

  13. It's amazing that the same people that will fight so hard for women to get equal pay, are the same people that will fight so hard for Ryan to take it back from them. The amount of cognitive dissonance is astounding.

  14. The women in pdga need to boycott until they fix the Nate Ryan situation he is a man I will never call that waste of air a woman…it's disgusting the judge decided to allow him play against real women


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