Moody Dark Tone CINEMATIC Color Grading

Discover the hidden underworld of dark tone cinematic color grading.

Are you captivated by those moody, dark tones seen in many cinematic masterpieces?

Ever wished you could achieve that similar brooding atmosphere in your own projects? If so, you’ve come to the right place!

In this video, we’ll delve into the nuances of achieving moody dark tones through color grading – a secret sauce often utilized in cinema to create intense, emotionally charged scenes.

It has been used by Lightroom users for sometime and is often referred to by various names like: moody tone, black tone, dark tone etc.

We have cracked the code and revealed it in Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve and Final Cut Pro as well as Cinema Grade, our very own plugin that works across all three platforms.

So whether you’re a budding filmmaker or a seasoned professional, understanding how to use these tones effectively can transform your visuals from ordinary to extraordinary, setting the mood and adding depth to your storytelling.

Here is link to download clip used in the video:

To facilitate and enhance your color grading journey, we invite you to explore our Cinema Grade plugin:

For a limited time, you can avail 20% OFF on Cinema Grade using the coupon code:


At checkout. This is the perfect opportunity to refine your skills, making your projects stand out with striking, cinematic visuals.

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Denver Riddle
CGC Founder & Colorist



15 thoughts on “Moody Dark Tone CINEMATIC Color Grading”

  1. Hi!
    Excuse me for asking, but what is the benefit for explaining all three editing programs at once?
    It’s only distracting or confusing me.
    I’m consider my self as a beginner and I’m from Sweden so that may be the answer.

    Ps. I didn’t look at the hole tutorial.

  2. I see it more and more, but just makes me feel a bit colorblind. I really liked the color pop and grading of John Wick 4, moody but very beautiful

  3. Hola. Quería decirte que muchísimos cineastas iberoamericanos te seguimos y nos beneficiamos de tus enseñanzas, pero no hablamos inglés. Podrías considerar poner subtítulos a tus enseñanzas. Muchas gracias de antemano por tus excelentes consejos.

  4. I’ve been waiting all my life for this moment. when I was born, my father told me to seek out a teacher who would one day share his secrets about the Moody and dark look. And you have finally revealed yourself to me!!! Thank you so much for sharing!! 😊😊😊😊😂😂😂😂


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