Monuments of Mars Part 1 – Crimson – Soldier of Knothole, Doom Mod Playthrough

Hey Guys, Lil Johnny Red here with a gameplay video using my Doom mod Crimson – Soldier of Knothole with the DBP01 Monuments of Mars mapset, Enjoy 😀

First video of the year and what a better way to start this off than to let my Squirrel blow some steam.

Also i’ve made some changes with C-SOK and the enemy mod. Outside of a couple of fixes most weapons have a Sidegrade you can apply to them thus increasing their usefulness in a combat encounter. The enemy mod has been significantly tweaked at least for half of the enemies so that the enemies have a slightly increased delay before shooting.

You are looking at testing footage so it’s not ready for release yet, and what better way to test things than to play a level organically rather than test it in some sterile environment “like a test map”

NOTES – I’m replaying all the level sets I recorded with either my old version of C-SOK “formerly Mobian Warrior” or any levels I recorded during my old PB/BD days, this so happens to be on that list. Lucky for me most Doomer Board Project level sets are quite quick to complete so they don’t overstay their welcome to some people.

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The Playlist For Convenient watching purposes :

Where to get the mods
C-SOK :–ajsxgPvVrvxzfNxrzMYHpGXs/view?usp=sharing

DBP01 –

Where to get the games :
Doom 1 :
Doom 2 + Final Doom :

(Credits area)
ID Software – Creating the game
Project Shadowcat – For creating the artwork used in the mod
Dr Cosmobyte – For Creating the base mods and allowing the release of modifications to his work

#Doom #Furry #Gameplay


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