Monster Jethro Tull Arrives and Nordic Noir #vinylcommunity


14 thoughts on “Monster Jethro Tull Arrives and Nordic Noir #vinylcommunity”

  1. Well, 1st comment has to be how much this channel hosts free speech by how Rachel adapted on the fly to a surprise panel without any prep where the dynamics were necessarily awkward. Awkward because some feelings are still thawing out. Everybody on screen said whatever they wanted to say, and chatters typed whatever they wanted to chat, and RG pulled it all together. Good to see M45 show up, but I can see there's still some thawing out to do. I'm not coming across as some kind of twee peacemaker, I just like M45's change of pace so he's always a good addition to the show & I also feel some of the anarchy of this show adds something valuable that M45's streams don't have. Given that FreeSpeech is under political assault unilaterally as never before, it's a worthwhile project to try and have these sensibilities co-exist. I suspect M45 still does not feel valued on this channel, maybe in chat (?), I don't know, but that part of it can be clarified surely. Plenty value him. But plenty value the unpredictability of free speech too, so there should be some worthwhile motivation to have those interests coexist, even including grudges.
    There was a lot about this stream I didn't like, so I'm no peacemaker this time – – but I'll analyse that in a separate comment. Plus I was trying to listen to RB live at same time! I hadrumble & y/t cooking atthe same time! weird synchronicity because FreeSpeech was implicit context in both channels, Rachel's Gost &RB.
    The gist of THIS comment is that no matter how frosty it was good to see/read M45 in chat/on screen, and say what he needed to say. And it was phenomenal how Rachel could facilitate this particular panel without a brief, without prior notice, no agenda & no especial sense of direction, lots of undercurrents in the dynamics, & host that focus to facilitate for over 5 hrs. That's stamina! I'll miss that talent when I sack y/tbut it was good to witness it, & I hope M45 could appreciate that spontaneous facilitation today too.

  2. Well, after 7 hrs wrestling with Ian fkg Fleming overnight for a piece going nowhere, to have to come back & timestamp obvious examples of sophistry, deceit, & manipulativeness is pushing it.
    So unless someone specifically requests I back up what I already said, I'll let further comments slide with this one:
    I don't share Rachel's faith in 2 characters that I have multiple refuting examples of even just within this vid. It's like John Cleese stating "the bleedin' obvious." So, agree to disagree perhaps. I think Rob earned a right to reply if he wanted it tomorrow on some of that b/s, but maybe it's classier for Rob to let it go, I don't know – – easy for me to say.
    So I'll dismantle one example & save Rob the trouble. This one pissedme off: it was not nailed the way it should be, so let's nail it now:
    Context for stunty's comment is:
    3:44:50 The Waxed: “Does Jason regret telling spreading that I have psychological problems? I never said shit like that.”
    3:46:39 stuntrockconfusion chat comment: “What does it matter if people feel that Robbie has mental problems? lots think that, but Robbie decided to focus on Jason, as he perceived him to be weak. He said it himself, he is a bully.”

    Note, stunty first appears to dismiss whether people ascribe psychological problems to Rob ("What does it matter"). Let's pause right there a minute: stunty wasn't so cavalier about "What does it matter" when he wanted the snakebite vid pulled, was he? Couldn't let that go with a "What does it matter?" could he?
    So then stunty adds weight to what he feigned to dismiss ("What does it matter") by adding: “Lots think that.” Wise up to this sophistry. He’s not talking straight, he’s inauthentic, disingenuous, which is stunty's m.o. Stunty then infers what was in Rob’s head to ascribe motive, conveniently ignores how Rob has had spats with several ppl, the exact opposite behavior of isolating Jason, & why would Rob perceive Jason as "weak"? is there any evidence of that in Jason's appearance on this vid?
    Stunty finishes with: “He said it himself, he is a bully.”
    That’s more deceit: Rob’s well-known tactic, when accused with what he perceives as ridiculous judgments, is ironic fatalism: agreeing with it as a way of dismissing it – – in the same way Rob will often say, “Yes, I’m a narcissist.” It’s obvious irony. Only a dimwit would take that as an admission. So stunty is either a dimwit or he is being deceptive, which is no better than being a liar.
    Prediction: Sooner or later in her own good time Rachel will wise up to that guy.
    Hence my chat comment after stunty came on screen & repeated exactly his chat comment about Rob, as if once wasn't enough:
    3:58:48 “stunty is shop steward for a “Lot of people.” Note the ways stunty uses "We" in this vid.

    I could cite, not vaguely but very specifically, at least 15 other deceitful instances just within this vid if I'm pushed, all involving stunty & Jason, & I'm sorely tempted. The receipts are right there in this vid for ppl who' are arsedenough to look for themselves. You don't need degrees, you don't need stunty's "elevated high IQ" bull, just eyes & awareness will clue you in.

    But all this takes away from a visit by Michael45 even if nothing was resolved – – I'd settle for M45 returning here just in chat, to write his comments if he felt better in the gallery, but probably like all broadcasters here Michael needs visibility too.
    Ppl will now wonder why I can appreciate 2 fellows who are antagonists, yet dismiss 2 other fellows who are pals together. Well, human dynamics, go figure.
    As for the other "it would be nice " b/s, which is easy enough to lay wide open too if I'm pushed to time-stamp it: sure, I'll come up on screen if it proves something to some ass who thinks being on camera is more congruent than typing text, even though this vid is riddled with proof that being on camera is no inhibitor to insincerity – – but if I do it won't make a difference to sacking yt sooner rather than later, I don't see my anger about yt diminishing, and that's a much Bigger Picture even than this fine show.

  3. You are so full of crap, Rachel. That was the 4th time that you brought up that horrible accusation about James. True or not (it really doesn't matter here), that information has absolutely NOTHING to do with the question that Jason posed about why James is no longer on the stream. In your twisted mind you think that turning James into a monster somehow vindicates you (when in actuality, it lays bare your cruelty). On top of that, his mother and sister are good people, doing the best that they can in a bad situation. They obviously told you that information in confidence, but you have zero compunction betraying them. You really are a toxic human being…deal with it. The Waxed is a good person, so please stop with the "be like water" crap.

    P.S. You shouldn't be too hard on the people that haven't heard of Nick Drake – 3 years ago you hadn't heard of him either (I've been watching your stream since the M.E. days, and that's when I realized that you know little about music) Of course, as usual, you came on the next day (after reading his Wikipedia page) and lectured all of us who have known his music for decades. Pathetic.

  4. You said this morning that you deleted my comment, so I just reposted it. I knew that you would delete it. The truth hurts. Feel free to delete it again…I have other avenues.


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