Monster Hunter Wilds Wishlist #3 – Story & Narrative

So, who’s up for running away from the guild and living our best life? I’ll talk more about followers in another video btw.


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00:45 – Good characters
02:38 – Good monsters
06:14 – Plot for Wilds


24 thoughts on “Monster Hunter Wilds Wishlist #3 – Story & Narrative”

  1. 2:11 Minoto. Definitely Minoto.
    Although, yeah, Primordial Malzeno best gir- monster. Best monster.
    I want followers back, and available in multiplayer too (up to 2 of them or all 4 slots filled with players and followers), because playing Sunbreak with a friend and not being able to do follower quests as they're solo only was really annoying.

    The tribe versus guild storyline is basically already explored in Stories. For it to really work they'd have to implement hunter on hunter combat (which Story does, well, rider on hunter or rider on rider, but humans fighting each other either way), I think, because it's not fun to know someone is causing damage to your side without being able to use blunt force diplomacy on them.
    However, being somehow cut off from the guild (local tribe, first exploration team, whatever works) could be interesting, with a different take on the monster/human relationship, different techniques and technology… Yeah, Stories already covers that to be fair.
    So, anything that lets us work alongside likeable and helpful characters, preferably fight with them, and against (or with!) monsters that have a personality (Nergi kind of did that) and an impact on the story.

    Now that I think about it, imagine having rescue missions, where the goal is not to kill a monster but to protect it from other monsters, either by killing them/repelling them or holding out for a duration? That would be awesome! Like the PMalzeno vs qurio fight but we actually do it instead of skipping over it in a cutscene! Just… Not qurios. I don't want to see qurio crafting ever again. Seriously.

  2. MH story works best when it´s about the monster and their effects on biomes.

    I want a monster that has a long rivalry with us and Wilds is where we actually have the 1 on 1 fights. Similar to Goremagala it evolves during each rank. The difference is that this one has a different form for MR that´s not a failed attempt at the HR one. I would have this monster have some sort of metal bending ability. Give it 3 weapons to choose from like GS, DB, SnS as another layer to mirror the hunter. Goremagala gets a new armour set, well this monster does that plus a new weapon. The metal has to be something very manurable and toxic like bismuth, lead, zinc or mercury and be infused with dragon element to cause severe and quick damage to the environment.

    (Have the monster take inspiration from a Nudibranch and Turtle-Headed Sea Snake cause it would go hard and we need more Snake Wyverns. Nudibranchs come in a lot of farms and models, have a simple body anatomy so it´s not hard to understand why the changes are so different, their food pallet can change the element they use (some eat toxic food to gain a demi Man o War state). Turtle-Headed Sea Snake creates an armour out of toxic minerals by just existing.)

    Have our hunter chase after this monster and disregard orders regarding to the main mission while the Guild is trying to figure out the cause of the main problem. The Guild is after the big bad the whole time and we set our eyes on it after we find out that our rival was after the big bad the whole time. We beat the big bad, gain appreciation for our rival, he flies away to the DLC were we have a final stand off.

    During the story we get questioned why we hate this monster and our character gives our backstory. Rise added voice lines so we might as well make use of them. NPCs take an interest in us and want to help us out because of their own reasons. Bam! followers are in.

    That or I get Lucica 2. Now more purple and crazier then the MK-I.

  3. Ok I Make My Sunbreak Part But even Back in Base Sunbreak Before Primordial Malzeno Just with Gismagorm Reveal and That Quest Gathering of the Qiruo Every Monster is Dead Because You Slay the Malzeno and "It's YOUR Fault" the Qiruo no Longer Keep at Bay form Malzeno Killed the Ecosystem just like that it Makes Malzeno Perfect it was the Victim that had to Make a Sacrifice just
    To keep the Entirety of the Kingdom Ecosystem Alive
    Primordial Malzeno was just Bonus but still a Amazing Addition to Monster Hunter Lore

  4. MH Stories crossover maybe where we have to repel/capture a berserk Razewing Ratha to for some cool armor pieces like Navirou, Ratha with black wings over the mount, and the Rider with armor from both the first and 2nd game? Maybe Primordial returns especially since he’s more popular than his base/variant form as potential DLC roadmap?

  5. personally i hate the idea of the hunter having any form of background story because your meant to be a nameless hunter that improves and rises through the ranks while you play and it leaves characters creative liberty to make there own little background story's for there hunters

  6. Imagine they actually hire good writers for MH and we have a very very good story in the future but that would probably mean totally changing the whole structure that all games always have- idk if i would mind that but it would certainly be make or break for a lot of people


    That being said i genuinly do hope they take a more depthly approach to the characters and maybe i lil spice to the original plot of oh flagship does bad. Wait whaaa theres actually a bigger threat

  8. I really like your idea of the guild responsible of something that could ruin the ecosystem, like we see a lot of monsters messing things up, but now I wanna see if us hunters, us humans can mess up too.

  9. I want a darker and more personal story for wilds. Kinda tired of the simple stories especially since the gameplay formula is so well rounded that they can afford to experiment on other factors.

  10. Going in the same line as isolated tribe vs the guild, given the "ruins" we see in the trailer, it would be interesting to go in a Laputa kind of way: this isolated group are descendants of the civilization (maybe THE ancient civilization, if that means something as canon is concerned) of the area, and they try to keep their way of life, being harassed by corrupted officials of the guild that want the technology of the civilization, and you as a hunter are trapped between align with the guild and perform your duty, or come around with the locals and understand their decision to give away the marvels of their ancestors.

    Yeah, I'm tripping balls rn, too much internet for one day


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