Monster Girl Quest Paradox Part 3 Ilias 5 (Lolibaba-napped)

This video series is a lets play of monster girl quest paradox. This video covers the Kitsune Village of the part 3 Ilias route.


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4 thoughts on “Monster Girl Quest Paradox Part 3 Ilias 5 (Lolibaba-napped)”

  1. What difficulty are you playing on, btw? Just want to share that it's the first time in my playthrough that I had to switch to Normal from the usual Hell difficulty I've been playing on the whole time. That is, a little later a certain boss destroyed me on Hell…it's the first time a boss gave me so much trouyble…
    I hope you'll show all three routes in the full ver. Personally, I'll be playing the Goddess route and then the true route. You say that Illias' plan is worse than the dark god's, but, personally, I'm all for her plan: it's better to save the few and live in complete peace and prosperity for humanity than save all and let them kill each other in the never ending war for survival of the strong in promal world.
    PS: why not disable the information window during battles? Those four small windows that take up almost third of the screen and obstract cut-in cgs. I disabled that, cause that's heck of an anoyance.

  2. 23:56 you forgot to go downstairs, there's plenty of treasure chests down there, nothing important storywise but still, and you probably shouldn't have removed Nanabi after talking to that Kitsune that didn't do comments, while she doesn't notice Nanabi, she has quite a few lines on this incident, and she and Yao had a lot of funny fights if you bring her while you talk with Yao


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