MONSTER: Episode 41 Reaction! THE GHOST OF 511?!


Grimmer is SUCH a fascinating character and a surprisingly terrifying interrogator, but this case with “Mr. Petrov” becomes so much more than I anticipated going into this episode!

This episode proves we can’t judge people from their past actions, or by the “covers” presented to us…and that the mystery and lore of this series is by NO MEANS finished surprising us and getting crazier!

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!

My Anime:

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Romania Black
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7 thoughts on “MONSTER: Episode 41 Reaction! THE GHOST OF 511?!”

  1. I think the reason we all so strongly love Grimmer is because of how clearly capable and experienced he is. Pretty much all of the adult character we've met outside of the Neo-Nazis have been the same, but there is something special about Grimmer, a sense of the looming danger that followed and continues to follow him in his line of work. In addition to that we have the compelling story about a dead son and his understanding of the horrors of Kinderheim 511 that have him care so deeply about the treatment of children which in this episode blinded him similar to how Lunge is blinded by his desire to be right and Tenma is blinded by his desire to take responsibility. He's a loveable lanky giant and a brilliant character.

  2. I love how they animated Petrov’s face throughout this episode. He is creepy and horrifying af at first glance, but when the kids approached him, his eyes changed completely. Kids were a bit of a prop in this episode….but it was through them that we could tell what kind of a parent Petrov was. And his last words! “It was an experiment.” What a loaded line!

    Even though it was partly Grimmer’s fault for Petrov’s death and that is traumatic for the kids, I think it was their first time playing soccer all together outside. Because with Petrov, it seemed they were only allowed outside two at a time.

  3. I do not think dt would wake sense for Grimmer's kid to die in Kinderheim 511 or be killed in general. He said to Tenma that his kid would had been maybe saved if there was doctor there. What happened at Kinderheim 511 was more than doctor could cure.

    It was also rather fascinating that "Nina"(she was last time with Dieter, won't believe it is her until I see Dieter) headshot Anna, but only bodyshot Petrov, which was mucb slower death and allowed Grimmer to have chat with Petrov. Why wouldn't she headshot both if she is that ruthless? Only thing I can think off is that she wanted Grimmer to have last chat with Petrov. Most important stuff that they discussed was experimental data and tape. Maybe she hoped Petrov would tell about those to Grimmer and later tries to get them from Grimmer.

  4. Children need love, I think that was clear what this episode was trying to tell us. That without it, a child can turn to be a monster. So, does that mean Johan didn't experience love? Johan was already a monster when he arrived at the orphanage. Nina too as she struggles to remember anything before she was adopted ( when she actually felt loved ) It can't be a coincidence, so what does that say about the mother? Nothing positive definitely as Grimmer said that love is a natural thing between a parent and a child but when you look at it, something definitely went wrong.

  5. Although I'm not surprised, I'm very glad you love Grimmer! (who wouldn't?) Your comments about his nice butt last episode were hilarious, haha. Maybe it's because of his infectious personality but I've always found him to be a handsome guy. It's great to have another character who is investigating stuff from a different angle; we know Lunge can't really be counted on right now and Tenma is more focused on finding/stopping Johan than uncovering the mysteries of the past. The way Grimmer is such an empathetic and open person, and even when he's being intimidating he masks it with that "kindness" and smile. Kinda chilling!

    I agree with not letting Petrov off the hook – though I still give him the benefit of the doubt with what he was currently doing. Based on what we know about Kinderheim, the massacre that ended it was definitely Johan's influence, but I can't imagine it was all squeaky clean when Petrov was there either. It's really hard to tell because he speaks so cryptically about it, but he speaks about the idea of love as a "new" thing – which leads me to believe that's definitely not what he was doing at Kinderheim.

    Always excited for your Monster reactions! Another great one~


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